
Share your kiddie nightmare fuel. This fucking scene, or rather what came like two minutes after this scene, literally haunted me.
Share your kiddie nightmare fuel
Without question, this scared the bejeezus out of me. It still does, & I still love it. Loved being scared as a kid. By movies, to be clear
I remember being horror-mesmerized as a wee 'un by the description of this in the novelization.
Me too - something about an "electrical cubist horror". Heady stuff for an 8 year old.
This is awakening some primal memory but I can't place it, where is this from?
It’s from Superman III. That movie went HARD
Saw it at age 8 as the second half of a double feature with Snow White. My mom apologized all the way back. Later on I had a nightmare about my dad being consumed by our Apple IIe's copy of Bank Street Writer. The 80s were weird, man.
Weird, indeed. So much casual trauma-inducing imagery beamed right at our faces. My favorite movies as a kid almost always prompted constant nightmares
Man, that was the most violent thing I had ever seen when I was 12 and it changed my life.
EXACTLY. I saw it at 8 or 9. It seemed to go on FOREVER.
And that over the topness was the point but it wasn't meant to be taken straightfaced. Something that all the subsequent Robocop material except for the PG made for children Canadian production TV series didn't really grasp, haha. I blame Frank Miller.
I saw it on VHS when my friend's moms were hanging out with my moms and we were left at home. I think we watched a directors cut or something, because Murphy's hand being blown off was what suck in my mind, not Mr Kenny's unfortunate and symbolic demise on top of the Delta City model.
I liked horses a lot but that didn't bother me nearly as much as Murphy's hand being blown off.
For me it was a toss-up between Artax and Macaulay Culkin getting stung by bees in My Girl.
Growing up as a kid in the 80s and 90s and rated R movies being the norm. 👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾
It was definitely the podling being tortured to death in The Dark Crystal. I was 5, and this haunted me for years. I was 13 in time for Robocop, but it also gave me nightmares. The first R-rated movie I saw in theaters.
Oh wait, I was only 10 for Robocop. Holy crap, how did I forget that. I was way less prepared than I thought!
About a third of the runtime of this movie, tbh. I used to actually have nightmares involving the Black Rabbit and this scene in the book gave me the absolute horrors.
Not to mention, of course, THAT BIT, iykyk, which is possibly even more horrific in print than in the movie. (And yet, Watership Down was, and remains, one of my favorite books of all time. I used to pretend I WAS Fiver, although he scared the fuck out of me.)
Not so much that bit. The toxic vat bit.... eugh
It was a big thing in 80's movies for someone to get splashed or dunked in toxic waste and then disintegrate. I don't know why
I watched Robocop when I was 10 and was simply amazed by the special effects. Murphy's hand being blown off, the way they showed off that one guy melting. That was all so fascinating and I wanted to know how they had done the SFX so bad at the time. I didn't get scared by horror films either, tbh.
Shit.. EXCEPT! NOT EXPECT! I mean, my child brain did expect a portal to open underneath my bed as soon as I set one foot on the bedroom floor, but you know... I WAS A KID! 😜
For me it was "Quest of the Skeleton Warrior" - not the warrior himself, but the scene near the end where Avenger gets halfway through turning Eric into one before getting distracted or something - not watching it again to find out the deets.
Wow I bet the cops didn't believe that guy's story.
That's the sequel, but yeah. Brrrrr
I saw Robocop too young, and this scene was wild, but what really got me was Clarence blowing Murphy's hand off and the rest of the execution scene. I don't think I'd ever seen anything more violent than Star Wars or Indiana Jones. The callousness really disturbed me. The Ed-209 scene is the same.
Honestly, the 80s was all about the crazy shit your parents let you watch because it was ALL targeted at kids. I still have the gremlins story book somewhere. And it scared me enough to where I had the chance to see gremlins 2 in the theater and didn't want to because they scared the shit out of me.
This shit. This shit right here. I could handle scary movies with only SOME amount of anxiety as a kid, but the BLOB??? This movie scared me so bad that whenever I slept, all the random sounds in the night scared me I can’t sleep without a fan or something going TO THIS DAY because of this thing
I think there was a Blob remake, but I remember watching the original as a kid (flimed in B&W iirc) and it was very frightening
There WAS a remake! The screenshot I used was the 1988 remake, the original was 1958. There's also SUPPOSEDLY another remake in the works, but it's been in development hell since 2009, with it's latest update being from january this year lol.
So this is basically a multi-generational trauma here in Finland. During the late fall and early spring seasons they would run this PSA to avoid thin ice daily after the episode of the public broadcasters children's show. Back in the day we had 2 public channels and one comercial channel.
Varokaa heikkoa jäätä! Kaikki oikeudet kuuluvat Ylelle.
My mom didn't really understand what was appropriate for a young child. Still have nightmares about Brundle-fly
Or the sequel where the security guard got his face melted off by Eric Stoltz but was still breathing afterwards. Yes, "cop", but that's still pretty rough.
I saw Thriller debut on MTV while at a babysitter's house. I was 3. My parents had to come get me.
My *kindergarten teacher* thought it would be fun to show the video to her class. I screamed until I was hoarse.
I can't find it in the gif search, but when the little brother finds the clone in bed in The Last Starfighter, and the face is puffing in and out... that messed me up so bad as a kid.
I was okay with that, especially after he turned out to be a good guy. I was not okay with the spy getting laser-skewered live on Xur TV.
When I was a kid I stayed at a friend of the family’s house and they let us watch Salem’s Lot then had me sleep beneath a huge living room window
The dream sequence in Terminator 2: Judgement Day Thing is, the older I get, the harder that scene lands 😳
The movie Outbreak. All of it, but most specifically the part where one of the scientists isn't paying attention and sticks his hand in a spinning centrifuge containing samples of the virus.
(20 years later) Ha Ha yuppie goes splat
The skesis dying in Dark Crystal is both scarring and my favorite scene lol
That scene is some comedy brilliance in how it contrasts with Murphy being brutalized earlier in the movie. The CEO just slowly facepalming, haha. "I'm sure it's only a glitch." Now the Tarman from Return of the Living Dead, that gave me nightmares as a kid.