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English teacher, dog dad, soccer fan, unfortunately politically outspoken. World is burning so do what you can.
Reposted byAvatar Ryan
A lot of people are choosing to look away right now in the face of something that is making Doctors Without Borders say things like this
A local politician.
if you won a million dollars what would be the first ridiculous thing you'd buy? something silly and pretty and fun for yourself. it can be small. I'd buy a hot pink e-bike or vespa, and give it pink marabou streamers.
Reposted byAvatar Ryan
It is quite noticeable that Democrats have, in less than 24 hours, expressed more sympathy for a guy who didn’t actually get killed than for the tens of thousands of Palestinians who’ve been brutally murdered over the last several months.
Merge four films: The Dead Don't Die Another Day the Earth Stood Still: a Michael J. Fox Movie
Merge three films: The Dead Don't Die Another Day The Earth Stood Still
Reposted byAvatar Ryan
I maybe shouldn’t be so snippy but jumping into mentions to be like “but no really Russia is worse” when Israel has killed 8% of the population of Gaza is not bringing out my nice side
Reposted byAvatar Ryan
Reposted byAvatar Ryan
Reposted byAvatar Ryan
Got a former longtime foster staying at my house again for a week or so. She's come a long way since the shelter. ❤️
Reposted byAvatar Ryan
If you set off fireworks, Bunjamin will find you 🐰☠️🐰
Reposted byAvatar Ryan
All the logistical, bureaucratic issues of replacing a candidate, navigating multiple deadlines and such, all these issues would also happen if that candidate just dropped dead at an inopportune time. With candidates this old, for this long, you'd hope someone would have planned for just that.
Reposted byAvatar Ryan
Hearing that the new supreme court ruling would legalize assassination. Terrifying. Imagine if we lived in a country where uniformed officers of the state could just kill people and never face consequences
Reposted byAvatar Ryan
Imagine if biden supported supreme court reform *instead* of repeatedly and vigorously rejecting it. Imagine if the dems threatening us with camps and project 2025, had a position on actual events occurring currently and a plan of action regarding those currently happening things happening now.
When people ask me if I'm watching the debate tonight.
Reposted byAvatar Ryan
Rereading Vonnegut and damn he’s good. Random sentence: “His high school was named after a slave owner who was also one of the world’s greatest theoreticians on the subject of human liberty.”
Reposted byAvatar Ryan
She will never go away. If I lost to Trump in the most winnable election in history, you would never hear from me ever again. I would delete every record of my existence and exile myself from society out of shame for what I inflicted on the world. Speaks volumes that she's still here self-promoting.
Hillary Clinton to warn voters in book coming 7 weeks before electionwww.axios.com The publisher, Simon & Schuster, says she'll offer a "warning to all American voters," along with "her unvarnished views on politics, democracy, the threats we face, and the future within our reach."
Reposted byAvatar Ryan
if we had caught wind of Saddam’s Republican Guard doing shit like this even once it would have been paraded across the evening news repeatedly as proof of the regime’s brutality and a justification for war
“Israeli army forces strapped a wounded Palestinian man to the hood of a military Jeep during an arrest raid in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin on Saturday. A video showed a Palestinian resident of Jenin, Mujahed Azmi, on the Jeep that passes two ambulances.”
Israeli forces strap wounded Palestinian man to hood of military jeepapple.news Verified video shows Jenin resident Mujahed Azmi on vehicle that passes two ambulances during raid
Reposted byAvatar Ryan
Joe has had voters, House reps, Senators, staffers, and probably senior advisors warn him this would be a consequence of his passionate, stubborn attachment to Israel as an infallible symbol of postwar optimism. It’s a bad look when he whines about. You ordered the plate Joe, so eat it.
“After a few questions about Ukraine, he was asked about a topic that has been less rewarding recently: the war in Gaza. “I wish you guys would play by the rules a little bit,” Mr. Biden snapped when asked for an update on the fate of a cease-fire deal in Gaza…”
At the G7, Biden Can’t Escape the Shadow of the Gaza Warwww.nytimes.com The president was miffed when, expecting to talk about a security pact with Ukraine, he was asked for updates on the Gaza cease-fire plan.
Reposted byAvatar Ryan
The cool and streetwise squid, Black Bancho, is the mascot of Itoigawa City in Niigata.
Nightwish came to my state when Endless Forms Most Beautiful dropped. I didn't go because my wife was really awful about it. Doubt they'll visit here from Finland again. 😔
"Where the fuck is Nevada?" - overheard on game night.
Reposted byAvatar Ryan
At least 1,800 law enforcement officers were charged child sexual abuse from 2005 through 2022. Predatory cops often used the power of their badges to find and silence their victims, while officials at every level of the criminal justice system failed to protect children and punish abusers.
Abused by the badgewww.washingtonpost.com Hundreds of police officers in the United States have sexually abused children, a Post investigation found. In many cases, the officers have avoided prison time.
Reposted byAvatar Ryan
I don’t mean to sound all hyperbolic but articles like these make us more comfortable with cops murdering protesters and I think the writer should feel shame and be disgusted with themselves 🤷‍♂️
Reposted byAvatar Ryan
Reposted byAvatar Ryan
immigration doesn't pose a threat to the safety of local residents unless you believe immigrants are inherently more violent and dangerous than other people, which is something only white supremacists think
So you read the bipartisan bill that was offered up and shouted down by the T-rump caucus? And you know first hand the extreme conditions in the border states, and have come to a better conclusion? Please tell us what you would do to balance the needs of immigration and safety of local residents.
Reposted byAvatar Ryan
There is a third secret option but it’s not actually secret and it’s obviously the correct option. (Don’t vote for any fascists; red, blue or yellow.)
Reposted byAvatar Ryan
Can't wait for the white liberals on here to tell me how this is good for migrants and I am naive for thinking otherwise 😅
Reposted byAvatar Ryan
Remember when Obama decided to get “tough on immigration” in 2014 to win over voters in the center and his own staffers were like why did we do that, it won us zero votes and alienated some of our base? Reposting for no particular reason!
This was in 2015.
Reposted byAvatar Ryan
Team Blue is not OK