Jack Guignol

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Jack Guignol


Dolorous Exhumation Press | Tales of the Grotesque and Dungeonesque blog | co-host of the Bad Books for Bad People podcast | linktr.ee/Misterguignol
Reposted byAvatar Jack Guignol
Hey all, I'm moving due to job cuts across the country so gonna do a crappy comic drive because I love doing crappy comics and will do one for you! Just @ me and I will make you a crappy 4 panel comic (wow! cool! what a deal) ko-fi.com/ggloriosa/go...
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Did you know that instead of bemoaning what other people are writing about a topic you can just write something better?
I didn't even mention that you cried
One of the ways I keep my rpg discord low-drama is by vowing to boot anyone who shows up and talks about posting on something awful.
First session of the new Krevborna campaign in the books and I'm really proud of a new npc that got introduced: she's involved with another beloved npc, but I resisted the temptation to make her immediately cool and likeable and instead made her honestly a bit annoying, which was the right move.
Hate when you're minding your business at a party and somebody tries to make you the audience for their weird kink.
I do wonder if all the people over the years who have wasted my time with "let me tell you about the book I'm not writing" have turned to AI. But I'm not willing to talk to them again to find out.
I'm not sure how to parse that either, but I was imagining all the people who have told me about the novel they're going to write (or game they're going to make or movie or...) and never do.
Starting a new Krevborna campaign tonight. Players seem absurdly excited.
Conservatives are wrong about college indoctrinating students into "Cultural Marxism" because the easiest way to cure a kid of Marxist sympathies is to put them near a tenured Marxist whose yearly pay warps the average of the community they live in yet still has TAs living under the poverty line.
I'm not sure what you're saying there--make the case for what?
Another funny thing about that meme: if by "older literature" we're talking about Victorian-era authors and the like...they often had beards much bigger and crazier looking than GRRMs. On average, they didn't resemble the first guy at all.
Every time this stupid ass meme shows up, I always feel like it's done by someone who's never read Older Literature and their take on Martin comes from hearing people in another room talk about the TV show
Bursting into the sci fi convention with a Civil War-era bone saw: "Time to separate the art...from the artist."
It's amazing how much we learn from each other when we play RPGs together. For example, one of the women in my group had never heard of urinal cakes until they made an appearance in an adventure.
Somebody I never heard of and Imma keep it that way by banishing them to the netherworld.
I feel much safer around people who write violent fiction, even if they're secretly "fantasizing about violence," than I do around people who think depiction = endorsement or art = moral outlook.
I love how lyric sites on the internet will render the most gut-wrenching scream you've ever heard on a track as "ah!"
Saw this week and had a very good time!
I drove 45 minutes (both ways!) to see Kinds of Kindness and have zero regrets. Yorgos Lanthimos fuckin' does it again. I laughed out loud many times and it also managed to be a better horror movie than most of the stuff that gets billed as horror. Fuckin' great, man.
I want to love those comics, but they feel like slapping werewolves into a rejected script for a Spider-Man comic. Meanwhile, DC was still doing some good horror anthologies iirc. (DC would later fall prey to the same impulse tho, jamming Sandman and Constantine clumsily into the mainline "DCU".)
A lot of the non-superhero 70s stuff just feels like monsters jammed into superhero plot lines imo
But not, like, an unpossible supplement for PMF. I could see Leather Daddy and Dominatrix as character classes for sure. Feel free to write it!
You mean the good bits are hidden in overwritten paragraphs of bloated text? heh
I get the sense that there a lot of people active on Goodreads and do mostly mid to low ratings because their hobby isn't reading, it's turning their nose up at books to perform how smart or "tasteful" they are.
Whenever I see a Goodreads user whose reviews are mostly 3 stars or lower, I assume they’re really bad at book selection. I feel like solid 80-90% of books I read are good, great, or at the very least fun and it’s because I am good at sniffing out books I’d like and know who to take recs from
It comes off, to me at least, like people bragging that they WEREN'T assaulted...right when it's coming out that some other people have been. Not great, Bob!