
i am continually aghast that we are witnessing the most widespread slaughter of journalists in modern world history and it is not topic A in the media industry. where the hell is the outrage???
It is with great sadness and outrage that I pass along word that Samer has died of his wounds.
Israel has killed more journalists in 10 weeks than died in 20 years of the Vietnam War. The idea that this isn’t deliberate is laughable. Israel doesn’t want people knowing what they’re doing in Gaza and they’ll gladly kill anyone who rats them out for their various war crimes.
Journalists. Doctors. Children. And I saw a headline somewhere yesterday that referred to "tensions." What the hell is happening?
dehumanization of those they want us to not care they are killing in huge numbers
just looked up his name on instagram and they are not allowing his name to be used as a hashtag
can't focus on journalists being killed when we have to adjudicate whether trans people are people actually or whether elite universities are really about free speech or just a liberal monstrosity ....
They're mostly Arab / Muslim journalists. That's really the only reason.
There's an old joke that Mr. Peanut is the perfect symbol of capitalism because he's a peanut with a top hat and a monocle who sells you other peanuts to eat. It's weird seeing journalists operate unfazed over the killing of other journalists.
Notable than when one journalist does a good thing so many others claim this as an accolade for journalism as a whole and try and use it as a stick against their personal critics. But when dozens of journalists of the wrong ethnicity are killed they're utterly silent.
Because to journalists, the victims aren’t “humans,” but “Palestinians.” This way, their deaths aren’t significant.
You have to be a western journalist kidnapped by Russia
Journalistic professionalism means not acknowledging you've been shot in case it interferes with editorial guidelines on ideological neutrali
Maybe Al Jazeera journalists don’t count to journalists in New York.
u would think like the ny times publisher would oh fuck it nevermnd
Many journalists work under the idea that they aren't supposed to be the story. So while it's a tragic and important I'm not surprised. Meanwhile there's even less ink on the 100+ UN workers who've been killed in Gaza. That's an astonishing number for a single area of operations in just two months.
People are afraid to say anything and get attacked as being anti-Semite is my guess
Some 19 year olds at Harvard are being mean :(
In the finite game of war - all energy is directed towards death! 💀 dat is the goal
Time for some Joe Biden isn't holding enough press conferences discourse
I assume most journalists are terrified of being *next*. Which is the point of, y'know, the murders.
If I were a journalist, I think I might find it easy to become passionate on the subject of preventing an open season on journalists if that prospect were ever to come up.