Jake Wertz

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Jake Wertz


Sociology, Chicago, Madison, San Francisco. Doing research in a large suburban public school district. 🏡🪴🌉📈📊👨‍🏫
At least (so far) the DA isn’t screwing around here www.nytimes.com/2024/07/17/u...
I divided the Cutleaf Coneflower from another part of the yard last fall and stuck some here
This is my native flower border today. I planted all of it over the past three years. A lot of reading + YouTube + time in the garden just to grow a little plot of plants that are supposed to grow near here anyway, and I enjoy every bit of it.
Got the children and the dog to lay down in the basement as we ride out a tornado
I really did not expect Tornados when I moved to Chicago. 2nd time in 4 years. Now, to move the sleeping children down to the basement….
Highly recommend the PlantNet app, which suggests that’s a Thoroughwort. A North American native, if not exactly a desirable garden plant. Other plants in they Eupatorium genus include “Joe Pye Weed” which has many great purple-flowering cultivars
Wish we had video here so you all could see and hear my DIY goldfish pond in action.
I just cooked up a pretty good dinner for the fam. Grilled Shrimp pasta, grilled tri-tip, grilled corn. Kids love it
Seems to me that the campaign lesson for todays Democrats from FDR is that when a president responds to global economic and political crises in his first term with bold progressive action, he wins re-election in a landslide. Good news for Biden and us.
I don’t see the evidence in this piece that FDR’s “iconic record of accomplishment and service to the nation ended with a bitter coda.” Yes, FDR died early in his fourth term, but he had a capable VP who rose to the occasion, & continued the legacy of the New Deal www.newyorker.com/magazine/202...
F.D.R.’s Election Lessons for Joe Biden and the Democratswww.newyorker.com Less than six weeks before Democrats formally choose their nominee, the President is marching down a path of constant peril.
It’s about to erupt in purple and gold.
Looks like it’s technically Daly City to me. But it’s also literally across the street from San Francisco, so I think it’s safe to say San Francisco. It’s not like Santa Clara, for that matter. www.dalycity.org/753/City-Loc...
Notice how all the tips of the branches are brown? They’re snapped twigs and dead leaves. Cicadas did that to all the trees
I have made a little structure like this out of two Billy bookcases ($20) in several states. Highly recommend making the effort
Who are the great secondary school leaders of our day? Does anybody know? This collection of John McPhee’s 1970s New Yorker profiles of the Deerfield headmaster is inspiring.
Michigan, I owe you an apology. I was not familiar with your game.
Same spot, same time, same lake, same sun, couple days later, totally different sunset. How do they do it?
this land was made for you and me 🎵
We gotta keep this patriotic spirit flowing into November, folks
Nobody is enjoying this vacation more than our dog.
Happy Fourth of July. I do love our freedoms and want more of ‘em to come back.
It’s one thing to look at maps and learn that Michigan is next to big lakes. I did that all my life. Experiencing it is something else entirely.
That movie is far too sympathetic to the Confederacy, but still the scene where Pickett says “General Lee, I have no Division” is one of the most heart-warming scenes in all of cinema. To see absolute bastards feeling and being utterly defeated.
July 3rd. First night of vacation in southwest Michigan.
Cook County, Illinois
I love Joe Biden and I think our country will be best off if he serves a second term, but I do like Kamala too if only because she’s by far the most famous person I’ve ever had a conversation with.
Spotted these all over the tops of leaves on a linden tree. Are they tiny cocoons turning into moths/butterflies, or are they eggs that will hatch into caterpillars, or something else entirely? 🌱🌿
Another idyllic Saturday adventure brought to us by Roosevelt’s Civilian Conservation Corps and the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County
We’ve found three of these snakes chilling in shrubs alongside the creek so far