
I mean, she did beat Trump in the popular vote by about 2 points. On this day in 2020, Biden was up by about 10 in the RCP average and won by about 5. In 2012, Obama was up by 3 and won by 4. In 2008, Obama was up by 6 and won by 7. Doesn't seem like an obvious record of presidential failure to me.
On this day in 2016, 538 had Hillary up by 7 points on Trump. Over the last eight years we've seen polls repeatedly fail, and yet I've never seen an election in which smart people have obsessed about polls, especially strange ones like this.
100%. It's also worth mentioning that these were 4.5 months before the election and that they were still very close to the MOE or beat it. Polls haven't failed.
Eight points is nowhere near the MOE.
Wait, which was 8 points? I see 5, 5, 1, and 1.
That's exactly my point. Polls this far out are not particularly useful.
If that was your point, I wasn't able to find it here "Over the last eight years we've seen polls repeatedly fail, and yet I've never seen an election in which smart people have obsessed about polls, especially strange ones like this."