
I want everyone to think about what Trump will do with explicit absolute immunity from prosecution and the full power of the presidency of the United States of America those are the stakes in November, full stop
look i'll be clear, I will be voting, and encouraging everyone I know to do the same, against donald trump and the end of democracy in this country in november. I do not care if that means i'm voting for a man who is literally dead.
the decision lays out - explicitly in the case of the DOJ and implicitly in case of the military - that a president can order the prosecution of or a military strike on anyone he doesn’t like and fire anyone who doesn’t comply until he finds someone who will he may not be prosecuted for this
Seems to me they've just handed Biden a loaded gun and are counting on the fact that he's too decent to use it on them He could use it to eliminate the Trump appointed judges obstructing everything and dismantling everything, and then appoint sane judges with a respect for law
If he does anything with it that will be the shock of the Century
Yes But use it before the Republicans do The Democrat opposition are I think literally facing midnight knocks & disappearing But I'm of the Ender Wiggins "fight ruthlessly and fight to win" when your survival is at stake
See, the big issue is, I don't think they care, I think they are all on the "I will be dead before the consequences of this come up so I don't care" train, and they are going to do nothing
I think that despite the evidence to the contrary, there are still a lot saying "it can't happen here" And they will clutch their pearls, and wring their hands, while Death Squads round up anyone that Trump doesn't like