
I want everyone to think about what Trump will do with explicit absolute immunity from prosecution and the full power of the presidency of the United States of America those are the stakes in November, full stop
look i'll be clear, I will be voting, and encouraging everyone I know to do the same, against donald trump and the end of democracy in this country in november. I do not care if that means i'm voting for a man who is literally dead.
the decision lays out - explicitly in the case of the DOJ and implicitly in case of the military - that a president can order the prosecution of or a military strike on anyone he doesn’t like and fire anyone who doesn’t comply until he finds someone who will he may not be prosecuted for this
“democrats have to win every election forever” is not a sustainable solution and it is quite literally the one we are facing unless we break the power of this court
The electoral problem has become, as the IRA gloated to Thatcher, that the GOP only needs to get lucky once and the Democrats need to be lucky forever. Either they’re going to do something about the court - now, not eventually - or we will simply play iterations of this game until the GOP wins.
Wondering if this was what Sotomayor was talking about when she made mention of bad things coming down the line at a speech.
Yes, ‘you can’t duly elect an administration to then use experts and science to combat climate change, insure airline safety, or regulate drugs’ was a BFD. ‘Grifty McShitweasel is a king’ just drove it from the front page.
The part I disagree with is that today's our only chance. Fixing the courts is likely going to require a new crop of reps even if it should be expanded today, yesterday really and the day before that and the day befo
I remain worried that strategy aside, we just don’t have the power to fix anything
Any “we”, there’s just so much concentrated money and influence against us
But like - we have a corrupted court, academic establishment, top to bottom media, religious community, etc. not to mention business. The fuckers got their ducks in a row
But they are the minority. And is THIS close to all falling apart for them. And I think they know it, which is why they are all-in on TFG. Win in Nov. is Step 1. Then start worry about Step 2
No one alive in 1850 thought they'd live to see the end of slavery. We've overcome worst but the future isnt set in stone and it's up to all of us to carve the future we want
you could believe, in 1854, that the night was dark. the moderates were smashed, the pro-slavery faction in control of the Dems - slavery was going into Kansas, was going to go into Cuba, was going to go deeper into Mexico, the bad people controlled all branches of government and would never let go.
I never thought gay and trans people would be treated as people. I really want to hold onto this
Yeah - I mean we’re not per se doomed or anything. It’s just such a steep climb
Consider: this isn't good for business/money, either. The fascist minority in the United States does not have the money and the spending power to keep turning the engine business currently has. Most of that money is in the Evil Liberal places, that's why Republicans hate the DEI boogeyman so much.
You have some rich fucks who prioritize not disrupting themselves, true. And other rich fucks who are willing to hurt themselves financially for insane beliefs. But most money is somewhere between inactive and generally-center-left
It's tough for the "why are you all just telling me to vote harder, ugh" crowd, but that's the bottom line of this opinion: Unless Dems hold the Whitehouse indefinitely, the next R president will declare any election that goes against them fraudulent and use the DoJ + DoD to cancel it.
We must focus. There is not enough time to reform the court before the election. If trump wins we will never have the chance. Like it or not we are beaten if Biden is not re-elected and if Congress doesn’t have a Democrat majority
Luckily, the Court has just declared that it's entirely legal for the sitting president to have them all removed from office without justification. It would be part of their official duties, after all.
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So Biden needs to have them shot! It's legal under their own interpretation of presidential powers.
The funny part is it's even worse than this. Even if democrats *do* win every election for the next 40 years, the court is already lost for a generation. The fix isn't electing dems, it's electing dems (or some other party) *willing to actually take power from the court*
According to the Supreme Court, Biden could order the REP justices all drowned in the Washington Monument reflecting pool without fear of prosecution. Just as an example.
Not only do Democrats have to win every election ever. They need to do this while overcoming the electoral college, gerrymandering, small-state Senate bias, voter disenfranchisement, media bias ...
As long as the other major party is a fascist one, it's the only solution, because even if we pack the court with 8 new liberal justices, nothing prevents the problem from recurring a few decades down the line. The GOP is a cancer that must be excised and replaced with a party that values democracy.
If we could just replace Thomas and Alito somehow...
They are the oldest so probably only need a few more wins tbh, lol
Plus we need to find a Dem willing to pack the damn thing.
I've been using the Athens debacle at the end of the Peloponnesian War as illustration: Athens had to win EVERY battle. Sparta only needed to win one. It's unsustainable.
(Yes, this is flippant. I’m at the “I’m going to laugh helplessly and nihilistically for a little bit so I don’t start destroying things,” stage right now.)
Glad someone finally said this out loud in public.
Agreed. If Democrats can ever win the Executive & Legislative Branches again, they can codify laws that will protect our rights & make it harder for the fascists to destroy the country.
Who's we? Why is it my responsibility to pack the Supreme Court?
It's not just the court but also the demographics that allow dozens of underpopulated states to wield outsize power due to a Constitution finalized in 1787. Wyoming with less than 600,000 souls has two Senators just as California does. And what if this happens:
Short of a trifecta in November (not impossible, but odds are against it), IDK how we accomplish that. The good news is, if Democrats *DO* have a trifecta in January, it will be one that doesn't depend on the useless bastards Joe Manchin or Kyrsten Sinema, and so court expansion is a possibility.
We need a constitutional amendment. From this day forth, I will be calling the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Roger Taney II.
Funny thing is (not really funny) this is what Republicans realized a while ago, and the strategy of taking every quasi-legal advantage to the extreme when they managed to get their foot in the door is how we ended up with 1/3 of the Supreme Court appointed by a guy who has 34 felony convictions.
Then it's already lost and you should focus on other kinds of solutions.
One party winning forever isn’t particularly small-d democratic either. What makes a polity a democracy is that everybody loses an election sometimes & no one is in power forever.
With this ruling I think the last chances for America's political crisis to be solved without violence has been foreclosed. Practically speaking I don't think American authoritarianism can be counted at the ballot box anymore, I think the authoritarians have closed that off as an option.
Seems to me they've just handed Biden a loaded gun and are counting on the fact that he's too decent to use it on them He could use it to eliminate the Trump appointed judges obstructing everything and dismantling everything, and then appoint sane judges with a respect for law
If he does anything with it that will be the shock of the Century
Yes But use it before the Republicans do The Democrat opposition are I think literally facing midnight knocks & disappearing But I'm of the Ender Wiggins "fight ruthlessly and fight to win" when your survival is at stake
See, the big issue is, I don't think they care, I think they are all on the "I will be dead before the consequences of this come up so I don't care" train, and they are going to do nothing
I think that despite the evidence to the contrary, there are still a lot saying "it can't happen here" And they will clutch their pearls, and wring their hands, while Death Squads round up anyone that Trump doesn't like