
Call Abbots bluff. You want to secede? Off you go. Pull all Federal funding, evacuate all US military personnel and equipment, put a hard border and require passports to travel back and forth, no planes in American airspace, and blockade the Gulf of Mexico.
I mean probably don't but its enjoyable to think about.
A good reminder that this isn't one guy, this is one guy who's in charge of 30 million Americans for whom the president swore an oath
Fuck that, arrest the fuckhead and charge him with insurrection.
The problem with that is ~40% of Texas adults are Democrats, ~39% are Republicans, & ~21% are “independents”. So you’d be punishing the majority for the actions of a few dumbshits.
I remember after Abbot lifted the mask mandate Michael Moore suggested withholding the vaccine for Texans. Was quite surprised that Moore had become that blinkered.
And many are children. And the left is supposed to be the "all humans matter because they're human" wing, not the "only some humans matter because they agree with us" wing. It's our BRAND.
Sheila, calm the fuck down will you? I'm sitting on my couch on a Wednesday night blowing off some steam by talking into the air on a microblogging site that like ten people use. I'm not wielding the levers of power here. Jesus Christ.
My bad, I mistook you for the Grand High Vizier of United States Membership, you look just like him
Nothing wrong with blowing off some steam every so often.
Time to federalize the Texas National Guard.
Pack up the Johnson Space Centre. Every stick of furniture. And no more subsidies for SpaceX for anything done in Texas.
Remove Ted Cruz and John Cornyn from the United States Senate.
Well if course, they'd be citizens of a foreign country.
The federal government has responsibilities to its citizens in Texas
Yes. Whatever happens to Abbot, we can’t abandon our fellow Americans in that state.
Deconstruct the Alamo brick-by-brick and relocate it to the Smithsonian. Rip the fucking trees out of the ground. Fuck em
The British Museum can have the Alamo, they've got practice, should be easy.
Also, pull all of their senators and representatives out of Congress and block the state from holding an election in 2024. Finally, Abbott and his conspirators would not be allowed to run for public office again per the constitution.
For sure, they'd be a foreign country. There would be no participation in the US government at all. They'd be just another country.
Texas is all talk until it's time for the consequences of their own actions.
That is a wall I'd happily vote to fund.
Base realignment and closure plan could always change. Abbot himself is saying Texas is not safe. Better move all those missions to states which aren’t being ‘flooded’ by ‘terrorists.’
Texas can't leave anymore than California could. NASA is there, a good portion of our energy sector. The US government would invade.
Get the US to invade you for your oil any% speedrun.
It would make a great film to see that unfold. Sadly it’s highly unlikely.
Serious question. If we let Texas leave the union - assuming that the US removes all of their property - can a republican ever win the EC again? That’s 40 Electoral Votes that a republican candidate will never get. And 68 billion in federal aid saved.
Also this should encourage the country to put in DC and PR as states. Or re-combine the two Dakota’s.
Put that piss baby state and its piss baby leader in the shitter
Kind of tips the balance in Congress too, doesn’t it?
Not to mention the Electoral College.
I love to trap millions of people in a fascist hellhole they won't be able to escape to really dunk on a governor. Top tier thinking here.
Build a wall around Texas and make Texas pay for it
Treat it and Texas like Brexiteers. Make every truck go through a weigh station and customs.
It will never happen. Maga needs parts for their giant flag mobils.
Problem is all the people they gerrymandered out of having any effective say in their own governance, disproportionately non-white obviously, that they're effectively holding hostage.
Imagine what that would do to schools, police, firefighters
Wanting to punish masses of people because of their leadership is such a weird instinct. My sister lives in Dallas and she's lovely and doesn't want any of this. Pulling funding for the poor would be devastating to the most vulnerable.
Good thing I'm just some shmoe venting frustration on the internet and not, like, in charge of actually enacting government policy then eh? Holy fuck. The number of hyperserious scolds who LEAPT out of the ether to wag their little fingers at some rando de-stressing by talking to the air is *wild*.
Maybe use the notes app f you're going to be so sensitive about the responses you get by posting things where strangers can read them.
No thanks, I'll continue to use a niche microblogging site to talk into the air and sometimes to my friends. Maybe don't take the Wednesday night ramblings of complete strangers for official government policy next time. Have a good night!
Let's remember there's a lot of blue friends in Texas but I suspect your referencing the government.
Tempting, frankly. But so many innocent victims.
Passports AND visas. Fuck 'em. Make them wait for an appointment at U.S. Embassy Austin.
Absolutely not. If that guy wants to fuck right off the edge of the earth, he can go with my blessing. But he can't plunge 30 million people into his third world banana republic (further) just because his feelings are hurt over having to live in a Union and follow rules.
Huh. Ted Cruz would be out of a cushy Federal job. 😈