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I am an enthusiastic, self-motivated, reliable, responsible and hard working person.
If this is carrots it might be the thing that finally breaks me
Even if you're well acclimatized to the wild climate of Texas there is always the possibility of a fresh hell. Today's? A home invasion of red fire ants. Yes, IN the home. Biting everyone + everything in their path. Kitchen, bedroom, and a river of them down the hall. Inside the house.
this guy is outside blowing up what appears to be half sticks of dynamite rn btw
me: we NEED communities. all we have is each other. none of us can survive without connection and humanity and solidarity me after 20 straight minutes of my neighbor sitting below my window and revving his motorcycle as loud as he can:
Beware the beautiful abstractions that subtly replace the requirements of the software with their own preservation
From a friend. I didn’t make it
Myths around heat pumps are widespread. Not because they are true but because they are deliberately spread by bad faith actors. Thanks to the Economist for this article and for quoting my @carbonbrief.org heat pump myth buster. www.economist.com/europe/2024/...
The EU should be the world’s heat-pump pioneerwww.economist.com But the union is falling behind in its efforts
The New York Times and glossy profiles of Nazis- name a more enduring relationship
"Their rhetoric can sound expansive to the point of opacity. 'As the great men of the West bequeathed their deeds to us, so must we leave a legacy for our children,' the group’s website proclaims." Yeah, um... ...that's only opaque if you don't know what the Fourteen Words are
This is Stephen Miller's law firm. They're also currently repping a TV reporter suing CBS-LA for being anti-white, which as a former CBS-LA reporter I think is absolutely laughable. But they're trying to create still more legal precedent for a racist takeover, it's clear
The Northwestern lawsuit is an example of the White gaze in action: “White gaze is the operational norm of White space wherein Black people are scrutinized through the lens of Whiteness, resulting in their exclusion, subordination, and objectification.” www.reuters.com/legal/legali...
Northwestern law school sued for discrimination against white men in faculty hiringwww.reuters.com A conservative group on Tuesday sued Northwestern University, claiming its law school discriminates against white men in faculty hiring and in the selection of articles that appear in its flagship law review.
There's no dream like the American dream. One flag, one land, one nation. Happy Independence Day!
Working out the memory!
The fact that American workers are doing well by historic standards does not have to tie us in knots. Yes they are doing well, and also they would be doing a lot better if the rich weren't skimming off a significant portion of the working class's wealth. www.hamiltonnolan.com/p/we-have-a-...
We Have a Distribution Problemwww.hamiltonnolan.com Working people are doing well. They're also getting robbed.
My biggest piece of writing advice is figure out when you can actually write. It's really uncommon to have a brain that can write just whenever. What are your core hours? Figure those out and don't torture yourself by trying to be productive outside of them.
On the writing advice stuff, I said the same thing a week or two ago, because it's my constant refrain, but you must read. Read constantly, and widely. Read aggressively, hungrily. And take notes. Collect words, phrases, images, ideas. You won't know what they're for until later.
Ok, starter packs are SERIOUSLY cool. I am so happy with this feature! Thank you, @bsky.app! Here's my v1 Astronomy starter pack: go.bsky.app/KfuFR5s (N.B: when I'm back from holiday I'll make the list of included accounts more equitable, for now it's just people who I can remember post a lot)
Astronomy on Bluesky Starter Packbsky.app Join the conversation
The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green.
China’s Yun Chuan and Xin Bao are the first pair of pandas to enter the United States in more than two decades, and will set up home at the San Diego Zoo in California, the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance announced.
U.S. to receive first pandas in 20 years after farewell party in Chinawww.washingtonpost.com Pandas Yun Chuan and Xin Bao will set up home at the San Diego Zoo in California. An elaborate farewell ceremony was held in their honor in Sichuan, China.
In 1959, Mom and Dale became the opening dance act at the resort hotel, Mount Airy Lodge, in the Poconos. Dale was the social director, and Mom taught dancing to guests. The lodge was a cluster of eight hundred rooms on 1,200 acres in the Sixties.
STORY OF THE YEAR. Conservative J6 political prisoners being tortured in USA. This used to happen in Soviet Union . If this man was black radical communist it would be #1 story in mainstream media. Al Sharpton would be screaming "racism" "slavery" & "murder."
More illegal aliens murdering American citizens. Media forgets to mention that. Epidemic like Covid 19, but no media headlines.
Good morning blue sky family 🌞☺️
'A Cat In The Beard Of Louis Coulon, A French Metallurgist, Taken In 1890' coleandmarmalade.com/2024/02/16/f...
Do not go gentle into that good night
Your day has been blessed by Moneybags Dale. Repost to get money
Twin Peaks: Cooper with cash.
every weird political decision that comes out of NYC is because the cops yelled at someone
UPDATE: NY Governor Kathy Hochul said on CNN last night that she is considering a ban on masks. This is absolutely shameful! New York has suffered so much from COVID, and COVID is not over. We should be normalizing and depoliticizing masks, not banning them.
Thor's helmet should emote like Asterix's, my only deeply held superhero opinion
Arizona GOP has put a constitutional amendment on the ballot to end Supreme Court retention elections & let appointees serve until age 70. GOP packed the court in 2016—this would retroactively cancel November's contests for 2 justices who just upheld an abortion ban www.dailykos.com/stories/2024...
Arizona lawmakers agree to let voters decide on retention rules for state Supreme Court justicesapnews.com Arizona lawmakers have voted to send an initiative to the November ballot that would protect two state Supreme Court justices targeted for removal over their support for a near-total abortion ban.
(Trump is convicted of first-degree murder) NYT editor: let's go with GOP frontrunner
The courts have given media a freebie to start using basic words for Donald Trump and assume basic facts are in evidence. When you don't see that, you're seeing a choice.
How Not to Report on Donald Trump - Truthdigwww.truthdig.com A.G. “Dash” Sulzberger’s Silicon Valley-inflected skepticism and open-debate pieties are a recipe for dangerously irresponsible journalism by omission.