Janina Dill

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Janina Dill


Professor of Global Security at Oxford (IHL, Ethics of War, Attitudes toward Force), Bach fan
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In a world where it feels like violating the laws of armed conflict is the norm, it’s easy to forget that (even when complied with), #IHL is far from an antidote to ethical dilemmas. New episode drops tomorrow. @janethanderson.bsky.social @svdberg.bsky.social @janinadill.bsky.social
Reposted byAvatar Janina Dill
This intro to IHL in the context of Gaza by @janinadill.bsky.social on the @asymmetricalh.bsky.social podcast, is such a clear, precise, and accurate explanation of the law, as well as an eloquent and compelling case for why it is so crucially important. www.asymmetricalhaircuts.com/episodes/epi...
Episode 104 – Laws of War 101 with Janina Dillwww.asymmetricalhaircuts.com IHL expert Janina Dill discusses the myths and confusion around the rules of war.
Very excited to be at KFG in Berlin for the summer and looking forward to engaging with the team and fellows!
We are very pleased to welcome @janinadill.bsky.social who is joining the KFG as a Senior Fellow. Janina Dill is the Dame Louise Richardson Chair in Global Security at the Blavatnik School of Government at the University of Oxford, a Professorial Fellow of Trinity College Oxford and...
Panel at the American Society of International Law on the War in Gaza with Eliav Lieblich, Ardi Imseis and Vivan Salama www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwSE...
Late Breaking Panel: The Conflict in Gazawww.youtube.com
Grateful to speak to Newshour of BBC World Service, about legal implications of #Israel's attack against the Iranian Embassy in Syria, the fact that it does not trigger a right to forcibly retaliate against Israel & the danger of potential escalation. (33:45) www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/...
Newshour - Famine in Sudan "almost inevitable" warns aid agency - Famine in Sudan "almost inevitable" warns aid agency - BBC Soundswww.bbc.co.uk The warning comes after a year of a civil war in the country
Comments for this NYT article on the WCK aid truck attack. “If you have a humanitarian assistance vehicle that is clearly marked ...had communicated its route ... & you still misidentify that vehicle as a mil objective, it is a very safe inference that your precautions in attack are insufficient.”
If you're attending ASIL 2024 this week, consider joining us for a Panel on "The Conflict in #Gaza" with Eliav Lieblich, Vivian Salama, and Ardi Imseis, next Friday in Washington DC. web.cvent.com/event/850bbb...
Wrapping up 2 days of "Law & Ethics of Nuclear Deterrence", cohosted by ELAC and CISAC. Watch this space for the papers!
The ICC Prosecutor issued two new arrest warrants on allegation of unlawful attack in Ukraine. Good news for law, for Ukrainians and for anyone working on proportionality, as one count is of clearly excessive civ harm! www.icc-cpi.int/news/situati...
The recording of a panel on Implications of the #ICJ's provisional measures ruling on Israel's conduct in Gaza by the Bonavero Institute and The Hertie School of Government is now online. www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1f_... The gist of my remarks here:
Warum die Bundesregierung die Anklage durch #Nicaragua vor dem #IGH, obgleich diese viele Fragen aufwirft, ernst nehmen sollte.
Today: discussion on the implications of the ICJ provisional measures order in the Gaza genocide case with Ruvi Ziegler, Victor Kattan, Cathryn Costello and myself. Register here to attend online us02web.zoom.us/webinar/regi...
Bonavero Discussion Group: Implications of the International Court of Justice’s Provisional Measures in Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the G...www.law.ox.ac.uk
Ich sehe die #Gazakrieg Berichterstattung in deutschen Medien z.T. mit Sorge & trage daher gerne rechtliche/ethische Einordnungen bei, wie hier für die @SZ, die fragt "Werden die Menschen nach dem Krieg noch in Gaza Leben Können?" Irgendwo muss man ja anfangen... www.sueddeutsche.de/projekte/art...
Angriff auf die Zukunftwww.sueddeutsche.de Kaputte Schulen, plattgewalzte Olivenhaine, zerbombte Moscheen, Salzwasser in den Brunnen und ein Großteil der Wohngebäude in Ruinen – werden die Menschen im Gazastreifen nach dem Krieg dort überhaupt...
I gave some comments to CNN for their investigation of attacks against humanitarian relief trucks in Gaza www.cnn.com/videos/world... Here are the three ways in which these attacks violate IHL. #LawSky
My legal dive into the destruction of cemeteries in Gaza: "while it is unlikely that this conduct is legal in all cases, and not unlikely to be criminal in some, the destruction of cemeteries and removal of human remains raises some questions without easy answers" #LawSky #InternationalLaw
No peace for the dead: legal questions about Israel’s destruction of cemeteries in Gazawww.ejiltalk.org In Gaza not even the dead are at peace. In mid-December the New York Times and the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor first reported that Israel had destroyed several cemeteries in Gaza, bulldozing grav…
A legal explainer on the question of perfidy in yesterday's attack by Israeli security forces in a hospital in Jenin. #LawSky #InternationalLaw
· We suspend the rule of law now, whenever it is "not helpful"? · Yes, #Israel has the right to defend itself in line with IL. #ICJ just told you that this is plausibly not what it is doing. · Here is a step towards a "sustainable ceasefire": Voting for one at the UN #LawSky
Glad to provide commentary on CNN international on the ruling today, link here www.janinadill.com/media
When Int. Law becomes relevant in mainstream discourse it also often raises expectations it can't meet, with worrisome backlash effects. I wrote about this in TIME. Looking at Gaza & Ukraine it might seem like int. law is failing us, but war without law would be much worse. time.com/6588977/inte...
What International Law Can—and Can’t Achieve—in Gazatime.com These two major conflicts appear to demonstrate the weakness of international law. But war without law is no alternative at all.
My bottom line on today's pronouncements from the #ICJGazaGenocide Case here www.justsecurity.org/91457/top-ex...
I was glad to join the #MoralMaze on BBCRadio4 tonight to defend the position that Ukraine’s defensive war continues to be justified, proportionate & that the UK has duties of assistance. www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/...
Moral Maze - 24/01/2024 - BBC Soundswww.bbc.co.uk Live debate examining the moral issues behind one of the week's news stories.
Grateful 4 the opportunity to comment on this careful report by CNN The Lead on the destruction of cemeteries in #Gaza. Many more #IHL issues involved here: destruction of property, dignity of the dead etc. Watch this space 4 a deeper dive. www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfFE...
CNN witnessed first-hand results of Israel's bulldozing of graveyards in Gazawww.youtube.com CNN correspondent Jeremy Diamond shows the damage left to cemeteries in Gaza after Israeli forces bulldozed and uprooted graves. #CNN #News
Eine völkerrechtliche Einordnung der #humanitärenKrise in #Gaza (auf deutsch, #LawSky): Wenn Israel eine Besatzungsmacht wäre, dann müsste Israel selbst die Versorgung der Palästinensischen Zivilbevölkerung sicherstellen.
Panel addressing the Council on Foreign Relations. A good (though I disagree with my co-panellist) discussion on unlawful attack. I wish we had spent more time on starvation and humanitarian access. Grateful for the opportunity. www.youtube.com/watch?v=NE12...
The Laws of Armed Conflict, Ethics, and the Israel-Hamas Warwww.youtube.com As military operations resume in Gaza, panelists analyze the application of the laws of armed conflict, ethical and moral considerations, and the complexity ...