Janis Thiessen

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Janis Thiessen


UWinnipeg #CdnHist #FoodHistory Professor (she/they)
Manitoba Food History Project
Preserves podcast co-host
HUGE raspberries this year, courtesy of the frequent rain and my finally learning how to control for cane borers. 🌱
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Daniel Craig playing an entire geology department himself:
The labour of #food production isn’t always appreciated/understood. In our NEW #PreservesPodcast episode, VJ’s owner John Calogeris & Bryanne Mysak reflect on #skilled versus #unskilled #labour, & Emma Dubeski shares the history of the People’s #Coop. www.manitobafoodhistory.ca/preserves-po...
Unsubscribed from NYT this week. Now taking recommendations for replacement subscriptions (I already subscribe to my amazing local & independent newspaper (Winnipeg Free Press) as well as The Guardian).
At a time when I’m struggling to retain my hope and joy in my work, this is helping.
Comrade card, 7/2/2024.
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Comrade card, 7/2/2024.
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Importing this @volts.wtf thread from the bad place. It opens with a link to a piece that used official data to establish that yes, crime rates are indeed very much down recently. But here’s the thing, Project 2025’s Trump 2.0 promises to destroy that world in which we can “know” things like this.
lol who are these people that have a spare “six figures” to give in this way???
Family gifts for down payments ‘becoming the norm’ for young homebuyers: CIBC report: Nearly a third of first-time buyers now rely on such financial aid, with the average size of gift past the six-figure mark, study finds
Family gifts for down payments ‘becoming the norm’ for young homebuyers: CIBC reportwww.theglobeandmail.com Nearly a third of first-time buyers now rely on such financial aid, with the average size of gift past the six-figure mark, study finds
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If you think everyone claiming their PhD is only claiming something about their intelligence rather than, say, celebrating hard accomplishments & staking out expertise in a world that likes to tell people specifically like them they can't be experts, in ways large & small? Then you missed some shit.
Direct shade at mira murati, openAI, & all the rest but "intelligence" is a truly meaningless flattening of the attributes of the kind of people who tend to get PhDs, & if all you care about in creating "AI" are empty signifiers meant to stand in for "better than you," then i really wish you'd stop.
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The other day I was asked over email about our editorial position on Ai. Figured I'd share my response here.
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3. If your business model involves violating copyright law on an unprecidented scale to destroy another industry with an inferior product just long enough for you to escape with bags of cash before lawmakers catch on — You’re not in business. You’re in organized crime.
I mean, God forbid employers JUST ASK their employees directly what their preferences are regarding their working conditions, if that indeed the rationale behind this data collection. 🙄
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The problem isn't that AI can do your job (it can't). The problem is management thinks AI can do your job.
The NYT laying off half it’s art dept as they ramp up the use of A.I. tools is 100% related to UArts closing due to a “steep drop in enrollment.” Regardless of A.I.’s actual capabilities the story being told to (and accepted by) business leaders is damaging the perceived value of the visual arts.
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Bitcoin consumes about 2.5% of US electricity, about the same as all residential cooling. An article decrying *that* electricity usage as a personal moral failing would be much less tone deaf.
Interesting article to run prior to a weekend where we expect a devastating heat wave and label it as “climate solutions”
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Thinking a lot about this article today after three relatively junior women, including me, resigned from my department—two of us deciding to leave academia entirely—in a little over a month.
Women ‘take 15 years more than men’ to become professorswww.timeshighereducation.com Analysis of Russell Group data says female researchers are more likely to stay at lower pay grades or to leave the sector
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"They do this because they do not accept handing over control over the academic labour process to management. They have an unequivocal understanding that if managerial systems are to dictate their work, the quality and effectiveness of the work will decline."
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The Federal Trade Commission, of all entities, is out here writing absolute bangers about AI snake oil. www.ftc.gov/business-gui...
Thank you so much, Jo McCutcheon & Ian Mosby & Rhonda Hinther, for your generous words about our book. Thank you @umanitobapress and @COHDS for kindly hosting the roundtable. What a great afternoon!
Was approached in a nearby bar after the roundtable about our U. Manitoba Press book “mmm…Manitoba” and asked to sign a copy. So now I need to retire because my career is all downhill from that. 😂 ❤️ Thank you, Chad! 🤗 (And thanks for the pic @ianmosby.bsky.social)
Was approached in a nearby bar after the roundtable about our U. Manitoba Press book “mmm…Manitoba” and asked to sign a copy. So now I need to retire because my career is all downhill from that. 😂 ❤️ Thank you, Chad! 🤗 (And thanks for the pic @ianmosby.bsky.social)
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It’s going to be fully unionized higher ed or no public higher ed at all
TFW you go for dinner with your two oldest friends but you’re too stupid to follow their lead when ordering so you end up with a TINY plate of gnocchi when you’re really really hungry. 😑
TFW you go for lunch with your favourite food historian but you’re too stupid to follow his lead when ordering so you end up with a GIANT bowl of HOT noodle soup in 30+ weather. 😑 @ianmosby.bsky.social
In Montreal walking through a street fair. Mangos, peeled and placed on a stick, cut to resemble an artichoke, and people then added some sort of sauce from a squeeze bottle into the “petals.” I have never before seen this amazing street food?? 🤩