Jarius the One

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Jarius the One


If you enjoy having fully grown rose bushes inside your home. Since AI doesn’t understand nature there are no pots or soil so they just grew in the walls then? Think about how dank, fully mildewed that bedroom must be. And doors that don’t close. The oceans boil to create the most bland pictures.
That’s where the money is. His specific brand of aggressive counter factualism is de jour over there. Also, people claim him to be a right arse so he’ll fit right in.
AI and Crypto. Since Silicon Valley types don’t like the outdoors, let’s all just live in a Judge Dreddian city/hellscape. Where they have all the money, sorry crypto.
Jag kan fråga vad rent konkret alla dessa paneldebatter leder till. ”Vi syntes och hördes” är inget argument, går vare sig bevisa eller motbevisa effekt. Allt är ”Dalarnas skogsprojekt”, ” Lära av ESF-projekt X”. Sen slutar argumenten ändå med att det är bra att ledningen träffas utanför hemmiljön.
Köp en makrill, finns överallt, hacka den lite oplanerat. Häll på socker, landets motsvarighet till vinäger och bubbelvatten, blanda dill, peppar eller motsv. Låt ligga i ett kärl, gärna lerkärl, svalt. Öppna efter två dygn och vips. Sill så som folk utomlands tror det smakar. Vassego för tips!
Inte undra på att det är så stort kommunalt motstånd att bygga vindkraft. 40 miljoner hade gjort stor nytta i Ånge m.fl., motståndet hade inte varit lika ryggradsmässig. Här i Skåne står de snart bakom varje koja. Så länge de inte skymmer havsutsikten…
I feel your pain. I suppose I’ll have to fly to California since those human slicing machines will never be street legal in the EU.
”vi är motarbetade av media!” ”Vänta till riksdagsvalet” ”kokaintoan på Stureplan byggdes inte på en dag” ”Ölen är fan inte billig i Danmark”
Close but not quite. Less nazis.
Come on. We all know the truth. The Hungarians have neither the funds nor the capacity to participate. They are net beneficiaries of EU funds, that’s all. And for the record. Hungary is lovely, too bad about the current oligarchy. The second they are voted out I’m planning my vacation there.
Stort grattis - John Järpling, Co-founder
The English language has a large vocabulary but lacks soul. It truly is inferior to German and other Germanic languages.
Reposted byAvatar Jarius the One
It’s crazy to see articles declare that Elon Musk isn’t Tesla’s biggest problem when I am 100% the target demographic of a Tesla driver and would never, ever, ever buy a Tesla because of Elon Musk.
På något sätt är det ändå drömmen. Alla de kort man köpt i storstäder som aldrig nyttjats fullt ut.
There simply will come a point in time when the pitchforks return. This is obscene.
Made by wind, sun and water + kemister i labbet.
It boggles the mind that this is allowed to to continue with no end in sight. Slava ukraini!
Spending all your youth hating on the internet will do that to you. She chose to be middle age, the boring kind that nobody likes.
He really is like Baghdad-Bob. All threats, bluster and general rage filled hyperbole. Nothing he dreams, predicts or rants about has come true. Such a silly man.
Oh well, if you say so…
Get a trailer. I have one. Problem solved and you don’t need to drive around with an empty truck 96 % of the time. I do really recommend it, no joke as Biden would say.
It’s absolutely mind boggling to me that there is no preauthorised process for cars in the US. The way this terrible truck is designed will prohibit it from ever being sold in the EU. It’s absolutely lethal to pedestrians and other motorists.
I think he’s simply an ecoanarchist. Obviously placing huge cities( I mean boring suburbs) in the middle of the desert is Faustian. You get to live here for so many years, then it all turns to literal dust. Watered only by your tears. Otherwise it would seem like he doesn’t understand Faust.
Det stackars barnet. Vämjeligt, förkastligt, motbjudande, hjärtlöst. Ord saknar betydelse i hans lidande.
Mr Donaldson is most likely the Alastair Crowley of the YouTube age. The very harbinger of the future that was predicted in the little known scholarly work titled: Idiocracy
In truth, the people backing Trump either don’t understand or simply don’t care. Some in the US show the Russian mentality.”It seems far away, we’re strong, nothing to do with me”. Then suddenly when the real, and foreseeable, consequences hit them they whine and complain. “But, I don’t want this…”
Well you know, the territory of Sweden has historically been populated by Swedish, Danish, Finnish and Sami peoples. Also Belgians, Germans etc. White people for sure but not homogenous. Since the 80’s people from outside of Europe has simply exploded, now it’s like 10-15 %. So that’s reality.
Sometimes Americans seem surprised by reality. Even with the more equal distribution of income here in Sweden we still have billionaires. Some are even high on the Global lists of richest people.