
It works too. That's how I discover posts and new users. It's really beyond what I've seen on other platforms.
Map? Directions? What are the compass bearings?
Personally, I'd be interested in a feed that uses machine learning to personalise content (e.g. TikTok). But is that ever going to be possible on Bluesky?
There’s already quite a few feeds that use machine learning! For You is a popular one that personalizes content.
I'm finding that For You doesn't actually feed me anything that I'm interested in—unlike, say, TikTok or YouTube. Why is that?
One thing I do on twitter is browse liked tweets of people who post things I like. Is it possible here to make a feed of "popular posts liked by people you like" kinda thing?
Will it stop me from getting all the cat trolls? Those sick people hate me.
To me when you use tiktok as an example to explain an idea or something it's kind of a ref flag, tiktok is literally a disease, takes your energy and gets you lying on bed or couch. I understand what people gain using such feeds but that's mostly terrible for mental health
I developed N-feed with my labmates. It is a custom feed that extracts keywords from a user's own posts and pulls in three posts from others that match the keywords. Currently, only Japanese posts are supported, but it would be great if such feeds spread to other languages.
I call such algorithmic feeds "dynamic feed generation feeds".
It sounds interesting but it’s showing an empty feed for me.
Only works on Jp post.🥲
Ask the developer who is crawling English submissions to do so.
Really like the Show Posts from my Feeds feature, it’s nice because there isn’t always enough time to go through my pinned feeds.
Yep, that's one of the most interesting but underrated features.
"Control your scroll" should be on a Bluesky t-shirt.
I think that an update that Bluesky should have is that Bluesky itself has a section to create your own feeds without having to resort to third parties. (and make this section of creating feeds easy to use)
I have only 2 news feeds: #opensource and Twin Peaks. Haven't yet figured out how to build it myself, but I'm very excited about the rollout.
I urge you to offer a simple feed creation tool. As a computer programmer, I found it a difficult PITA to create a custom feed
I just want bookmarks and dms and private accounts
Will I eventually be able to create a list without coding?
Tools like exists which let you do that
They have a distinction between lists and feeds here. Lists can already be created with no coding.
Oooh.. gonna go see how to do a list. Thanks!
You can swap subject content of feeds based on what you feel like seeing at the moment. Some days might be more cat posts, other days might be tech or politics. Ok, cats are always in my feed. 😻🐈
One of the best features of Bluesky!! Create your scroll, build your groups, find your people, choose your content, and expand your horizons!!
Custom #feeds are cool! I have two in my profile, for which I did no coding. Everyone should know how to code a little to be able to enjoy Bluesky completely. You need either experience or a little help; a good tutorial has been published. I'll take advantage of this Jay-base article to add links.+
It's actually such a nice idea, as the filters become better. If I want to avoid politics or porn, I can.
I haven’t applied any filters as of yet but it’s a healthy amount of stuff I want to see not like other apps.
This hasn't been my experience yet. As an example, subscribing to several innocuous feeds presents adult content but not content caught by nsfw filter. Like in a ttrpg feed a photo of a person in s&m gear. The feeds are not curated, so the user currently has to curate to make it a safe zone.
Question…. Can persons monetize perhaps in the future… during the “premium features” phase open source software development? And what tools do they have to purchase as a “vendor”.
The API is completely open for developers, they haven't talked much about monetization plans on that end. If you're thinking of monetization as a user or feed builder, etc, then that's mostly out of scope.
Basically If I wanted to create a catalog of products such as the knives I sell on Bluesky.
The current iteration is only built around a Twitter-like feed. Nothing is stopping you from usinga custom lexicon (post syntax) to create catalogs and stuff like that, but then you also have to get clients to implement support for displaying it. Maybe if you start with regular photo albums?
Thank you. I would be selling my own personal inventory I have in stock. I just didn’t want my customers to “leave” on a hyperlink they may think is “questionable” and was wondering if an in-app supported marketplace would be created in the future.
I am a knife vendor and also have a background in electrical technology and technology management. So potentially I see an “unexplored online marketplace”…
Not so much the feeds, but more than likely something that is more suited towards from a news article I read, “premium” features they have planned for in the future which Jay was saying would avoid advertising clutter…. Maybe something like old school AOL chatrooms minus AOL HELL…
quickly turning into the beast it sprang from
How will Bluesky compete with recommendation algorithms that are complex and compute intensive? These systems do deliver valuable curation of user feeds. If part of Bluesky, who will run these recommender systems and how will users pay for them?
The feed of accounts someone follows is a custom feed of the accounts they want to follow. That already exists
…would be cool to layer app so users could prioritize feeds… even stage priorities based on events… like elections… or periodically… month… week… day… hour… great way to prep for financial news… etc…