Jay Hancock

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Jay Hancock


Former reporter pursuing the past. Writing book on language history. Substack on history, economics, stuff. 2020 Pulitzer finalist for investigative journalism. jayhancock.substack.com
OK this wins the internet today. Everybody else log off.
Your move, Hemingway
Wages in antebellum slave states were higher than in adjacent free states, find U Mich researchers. Why? "Aversion" by free whites to work in a slave society. This was the case for my gggg grandfather, who refused to set foot in Missouri from Illinois. www.nber.org/papers/w3264...
The Economic Effects of American Slavery: Tests at the Borderwww.nber.org Founded in 1920, the NBER is a private, non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to conducting economic research and to disseminating research findings among academics, public policy makers, an...
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Two things. First, I have said this before but it gets special emphasis today: I never, EVER want to hear conservatives talk about originalism or judicial restraint ever again. There is nothing about Presidential immunity in the Constitution.
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A few years ago, Jon Lovett floated a theory that media treats Democrats like protagonists - to be challenged, accounted, and forced to be behave in growth-oriented ways - while the GOP are treated like antagonists - immutable, expected to disrupt, thematic obstacles. Thinking about that a lot.
I don’t recall the NYT calling for Trump to step down after being convicted of 34 counts of fraud and being called by a judge at his civil trial a rapist in the common person sense
The people we stayed with in Sicily said the house and farm had been in their family since the 1600s. They had the library to prove it!
Guessing few in the Scots diaspora have an idea about the misery and violence that forced their ancestors' emigration. Great piece from @joesaunders1.bsky.social & How-to History on the Highland Clearances. It wasn't all bagpipes and jigs in the old country. howtohistory.substack.com/p/highland-c...
Highland Clearanceshowtohistory.substack.com Scotland
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Pop quiz, artisan style: The picture shows two nails. Both are hand forged, but each is from a different century. Can you guess from which? What other differences can you spot? #medievalsky #skystorians #earlymodern #histsci #histtech 🗃️
Nice post by How-to History on village & manorial commons — fields & wastes owned by nobody where residents had rights to graze animals etc. The ebb of commons rights over the centuries is an often painful theme of English social and economic history. howtohistory.substack.com/p/commons
Commonshowtohistory.substack.com England
I like to think that this is part of his atonement, and that he knows he has a terrible cargo of wrongs to atone for.
You'd think George W. Bush's post-2008 arc would be enough to bury "History will judge them" forever as a talking point about powerful people doing monstrous things with six-figure body counts. But,
George W. Bush's paintings could get their biggest audience yet at Disney Worldfloridapolitics.com You can see President George W. Bush's art tribute to veterans at Disney World starting June 9.
Reposted byAvatar Jay Hancock
George W Bush is unquestionably the American with the most deadly impact on humanity of any one in my lifetime. I find his even mild rehabilitation to be morally abhorrent.
You'd think George W. Bush's post-2008 arc would be enough to bury "History will judge them" forever as a talking point about powerful people doing monstrous things with six-figure body counts. But,
George W. Bush's paintings could get their biggest audience yet at Disney Worldfloridapolitics.com You can see President George W. Bush's art tribute to veterans at Disney World starting June 9.
Why is this so hard to understand? Criticizing the ideas of others is not "shutting down the debate." Retorts to academic or political assertions are PART OF THE DEBATE, not free-speech crimes. (Plus Shakespeare authorship deniers really are tinfoil-hatters.) www.theguardian.com/books/2024/a...
A good historian is like the legendary ogre. “Where he scents human flesh — he knows that there is his quarry.” My appreciation of Emmanual Le Roy Ladurie, who died last year. For @Howto_History howtohistory.substack.com/p/montaillou...
Montaillou and the History of Ordinary Folkhowtohistory.substack.com The Pyrenees, and beyond
NBC's top political reporter should not interview politicians, guy says.
I cannot stress enough how, week after week, Chuck Todd lended NBC’s credibility to election deniers like Ted Cruz, Ron Johnson, Roger Marshall, Kevin Cramer, Mike Rounds, Mike Braun, Tate Reeves, and Rick Scott, and after every appearance said “thank you for sharing your perspective”
The "twitterstorian community is really strong," says Jessica Storoschuk in this @Howto_History piece w/ @lucyjanesantos.bsky.social. Happy to be getting to know some of these wonderful folks. howtohistory.substack.com/p/be-a-freel...
Nice result on the Braintree Hoard auction of pennies buried by someone in 1066. A King Harold II silver penny, minted in short reign of King Harold, last Anglo-Saxon king of England, goes for £11,000, twice the estimate. www.noonans.co.uk/auctions/arc...
In 1066 somebody buried a hoard including dozens of pennies minted by the new king, Harold Godwinson. Something happened in 1066 (hmm...). They were never recovered. Detectorists found them in 2019. Now Noonans is auctioning them off. www.noonans.co.uk/auctions/cal...
The Braintree Hoard of Late Anglo-Saxon Pennies (21 February 2024): Auction Catalogue | Noonans Mayfairwww.noonans.co.uk
The Braintree Hoard of Late Anglo-Saxon Pennies: Lot 1121, 21 February 2024 | Noonans Mayfairwww.noonans.co.uk
In 1066 somebody buried a hoard including dozens of pennies minted by the new king, Harold Godwinson. Something happened in 1066 (hmm...). They were never recovered. Detectorists found them in 2019. Now Noonans is auctioning them off. www.noonans.co.uk/auctions/cal...
The Braintree Hoard of Late Anglo-Saxon Pennies (21 February 2024): Auction Catalogue | Noonans Mayfairwww.noonans.co.uk
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About 80 % of students thought this was a swanky straw hat from the 1950s. Truth is that it’s the oldest Roman grasswork "Panama hat" extant, from Fayum in Egypt. In 2017 they radiocarbon dated it to 420-568 CE. Turns out the “Dark Ages” was really more about cool shade (Pitt Rivers Museum, UK) 🎩
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As a 13-year-old girl I was the biggest Lord of the Rings geek, so I treated her to the Doors of Durin today 🤓 According to local legend, these Cotswolds church doors inspired Tolkien’s artwork 🧝‍♀️ (St Edward’s church, Stow on the Wold)
Amazing news from Nat Friedman, Vesuvius Challenge & Co. "We now know that this scroll is not a duplicate of an existing work; it contains never-before-seen text from antiquity." Can't wait to see what other lost works are found. scrollprize.org/grandprize
Vesuvius Challenge 2023 Grand Prize awarded: we can read the scrolls!scrollprize.org The 2000-year-old scroll discusses music, food, and how to enjoy life’s pleasures.