
there is a very short leap from “hey let me casually take some pictures of birds with this inexpensive zoom lens” to “what do i need to sell to afford this ultra-telephoto lens so i can get a proper close up of the red-tailed hawk that occasionally takes a perch in the neighbor’s tree”
(am i trying to talk myself into spending too much money…yes)
the good news is that my gear for this stuff is micro four thirds which brings the cost down a bit.
Ha ha, this is how it starts! I can't wait to see what you get, you have such an artistic eye.
Can you collaborate with on bird stuff please? That would be amazing!
The Olympus 75-300mm is a ridiculous amount of reach for the money but as you’d expect, it’s a bit soft at 300mm. Still a ton of fun.
that’s what i have! and very quickly ran up against the limits of it
This is how it starts. Soon 600 won't be enough, then 1200, until you find yourself stacking teleconverters like pogs.
And depending on what you end up with, there's the possibility of it being gateway optics for some astrophotography too! (If it serves dual purposes, surely that might justify a bit more spending...)
At least you can freelance for TMZ on the weekends.
The 300mm f/4 is a really amazing lens even for the price- ridiculously sharp and way more compact than any competitor on other bodies.
I got a 75-300mm EF-S for my Canon (300D/original digital rebel) a few years ago and it’s been with me through a couple of upgrades (70D now). The lens was off of eBay and seems at least as old as Rebel from 2003. And I’ve had better luck with eBay vs. Amazon Renewed or such.
If you see one cheap, I found the EF-S 55-250mm to be so much sharper you get more detail by using that and cropping than the 75-300mm. Though then I bought an EF 100-400mm f/4L second hand, and oh boy. Welcome to spend town.
I had one with IS and it was pretty nice but internals started rattling around after about 3 years. But it was only $97.
Have you tried the Canon direct refurbished lens program? It's not bad - the lenses are good for home use. Slightly janky but not in ways that effect the photos, would just drive you insane if you were using it 600 times a day or needed it for work.
::ralph I’m in danger meme::
fwiw i got a vintage tamron 500mm fixed f8 that’s pretty decent for something like sixty bucks.
Is it catodioptric? I got one of those for a song from the used desk at b+h in the early aughts, in nikon mount. Still have it, but I don’t think I’ve ever taken a photo I liked with it! 🤦‍♂️
Yes, it is! Here it is on a Micro 4/3 camera. Shot this picture of the moon with it back in November 2022. It's not as sharp as higher end lenses, but it sure gave me the best photos I've ever taken of the moon!
Oh nice! I knew there were a lot of versions of cheap manual mirror 500 f8s floating around with different badges but all mostly the same, but that looks nicer (and more Tamron-y) than my lens which turns out to be a Kalimar! I think I tried it adapted to m4/3 but other options worked better! 😅
Oh hey I have that exact same lens! It's on permanent loan from my mother, who I believe got it secondhand in the '80s. Can confirm, it's a lot of fun to go birding with.
The old Nikkor 500mm f8 Reflex is one of my favorites!
Nice! Always wondered how much better those are than the standard opteka, et al. ones.
I'm kind of looking forward to finding a big refector style zoom in a K-Mount.
This is relevant to my interests - I had some Canon L glass but manual focus and adapters works fine for me
It’s a fixed f8, so not really great for low light, especially if you’re shooting film.
Yeah, that's why I passed on this when I was looking for a better birding telephoto lens
I told myself that, but stepping up from a Sony a6000 to an A7 IV with a full-frame sensor is a WILD difference. I can't go back. If you don't mind going in the other direction, though, you could get an ultrazoom camera like a Canon SX70. Not an IC camera, but way less than the lens alone.
A Sony RX10 IV would work really well. Still not quite as big as Micro Four Thirds, but it's a 1-inch sensor and a 25x lens. You can get it used for around $1,400, or go a generation back for the RX10 III for around $900. I have terminal tech reviewer brain, I'm compelled to offer suggestions.
thank you for the tips but i was not asking for advice, just making a silly comment
My long lens right now is a m43 40-150 zoom, which is *not quite* long enough for the hawk photos. I have been slowly persuading myself that I need a 300.
Has anyone suggested renting yet? M43 is not my area of expertise but I would be surprised if there weren’t plentiful options.
I just recently swapped my kit over from an older Canon full frame setup to Fujifilm APS-C, and having greater reach at a lower cost and with *much* less weight has been so nice for wildlife in particular.
Get into SCUBA diving. A whole new world of photo nerdery awaits you under the sea.
I looked into housings for just being able to dunk my camera into rivers and vernal pools…yikes
Oh sorry Pentax-M 135mm not 150mm, so 270mm equivalent. (Pictures from the Bridport Hat Festival)
What zoom do you have for yours? I need a new one but don't have a lot of cash on hand.
If you were looking for advice, which I doubt, since you seem to have all the relevant knowledge: might have recommendations. Either way, you both take such great photos, please keep it up. Now I'm looking forward to hawk photos
micro four thirds also means you can buy a few different brands that all fit together (olympus and panasonic for example), which means a bit more flexibility in both options and price :)
Fuji makes a decent cheap 50-230mm lense but damn getting further than that and you’re looking at $800 minimum
Although I have caught myself checking out the little g-mount cameras Panasonic makes but out side of the small primes the cost of lenses doesn’t seem that much cheaper.
Phew! I’m in the Sony Alpha series a 7iii and it’s so tempting to ‘level up’ with a new Sony a7R body but the prices are crazy.
this is an entire mood, I've been contemplating mirrorless bodies so i don't have to wait for development and can still use my FD lenses
I inherited a prime 150mm 4/3 lens from my dad, which is 300mm on my micro 4/3 - no autofocus though!
Perhaps rent the dream lens for a few days, travel to somewhere suitable, and see if the pics satisfy?