
I am a staunch Democrat, and will vote such. But: if I ever meet the motherfuckers running their spamcannon SMS campaign, I will rip their fucking lungs out through their assholes.
they deserve nothing less
There's an Act Blue office down the street from me and how they maintain unbroken windows is a mystery to me
I actually assumed all the texts were fraudulent!
It's honestly hard to tell. Some or all might be. But they might not. Some point to legit actblue@ links or other legit dem fundraising links. That's kind of the point, they're just irritating noise at this point - if I'm gonna donate to the Democrats (which I have) I'm not gonna trust this.
And the damn clickbait-y message headers are infuriating and make me scream A POX ON BOTH THEIR HOUSES because they are IDENTICAL across the sides. I wonder if there is a single marketing firm contracted to both? That's why I'm getting both?
I actually got so fed up, I sent a pen-and-paper letter explaining how bad their campaign was to a candidate’s office.
Yeah. I ignore emails because at least the spamfiltering for those works better. The SMS/iMessage ones are driving me insane, esp. since my phone number/contact is absolutely on the DNC list.
Something interesting happened to me. I was getting relentless emails from republicans leading up to 2016. After that election, I started getting relentless emails from democrats. I’m Canadian. I have no idea how I got in whatever email list I’m on. But how did it switch sizes?
I feel like both sides are aggressively buying lists. I would guess your pushback/unsubscribing behavior if any, as well as your marketing demos, somehow tipped your number onto some product/industry list that the GOP decided they wanted to target vs. the Dems.
I somehow got off all of these
I'm getting constant E-mails, like at least one per hour during the day, from Democrats and I am like "I'm going to vote for him please leave me alone!"