π“‚€ 𓆗Jay𓆗𓂀

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π“‚€ 𓆗Jay𓆗𓂀


The Oregon Sage. Creator. Dinosaur. VO Person. Bastard eel. Bathtub Cryptid. My brain has too many tabs open.
I hear today is #WorldSnakeDay Snakes are beautiful animals, deserving of our appreciation and respect. This is a Kirtland's snake, a small Midwestern snake endangered or threatened (like many snakes) across most of its range. #snakes #SciArt
What you say to yourself, how you breathe & use your body, & what you visualize & mentally focus on are the keys to healing your past & growing your future. Those are the tools you always have. Nobody can take them away from you (even if they try to make you forget about them).
Taking a moment to say I appreciate you all. I haven't done much on here since life outside the internet has been busy and entertaining. I plan on posting some writing soon and maybe some art. Anyway, I hope you're having a good Tuesday. I love you, and whatever is going on, you got this hon πŸ’™
In recent news, I passed all my certifications to be a life coach with a popular mental health organization! This has been a 5-month endeavor and I'm grateful to have employment again since losing my job in March. I'm so happy I'll be able to help more people this way too versus the last place.
Please take pride in your work. You made something, you amazing human. You have every right to sing its praises. Don't damn yourself with faint praise. Don't shit on your own parade. You're absolutely entitled to share your stuff with joy. Well done!
Correcting someone's poetry is like repainting the smile on the Mona Lisa.
Turkey girl brought her babies over. I hadn't seen her in a long time and assumed the worst. She and the clan normally hang out in the back when I'm out then go their own way. I think she has 8 babies total. #turkey
One thing I'd like to add to this discussion: Writers, if you published a book, let people know. It's OK to talk about your work. It's OK to share what it meant to you. It's OK to give elevator pitches about your book to strangers who might be interested. Don't be afraid to sell your work.
We’ve returned to the olden days, when word-of-mouth was the only real way to advertise. As an author, if you enjoy a book, please: tell your friends. Your group chat, your sewing circle, your family WhatsApp, your work Slack, the voice channel of your MMORPG guild, anything.
Put back your hearts and get on your knees And drink as you never have #poetry
In case no one has told you this today: 1. I love you 2. You matter 3. We're all pieces of the same cosmic creature 4. I'm proud of you 5. You're beautiful 6. Happy accident or not, I'm glad we share the same world 7. 🐝zzz 8. Do one kindness for yourself today Kisses your forehead
Very happy to have my #pride poem featured in Little Thoughts Press Magazine #poetry #poems4kids
Painted Turtle Finished this 11x14" oil painting! I love these little guys. I will need to redo the image when I get a better scanner/photo setup soon. #art #sciart #herps
I crossed out the ones that didn't fit my experiences. As a psych person in training, this is fascinating and an interesting way of looking at all the components. Also, color coordination like this with text is my jam, peanut butter, and my bread.
I started putting a checkmark next to the ones that fit me but then realised it would be easier to just cross out the ones that didn't. QT RT with your own! (Original here bsky.app/profile/rnin...)
This is going to piss a lot of people off, but you don't have the obligation to write. If it makes your life better, by all means, do it! But if writing fills you with dread, stress, and feelings of inadequacy, it's okay to stop. You don't owe it to anyone to write--not even to yourself <3
if u see this, quote-post with your tips for writers that no one gives anymore because they seem obvious (even though they're not)
Haven't done any trad art for a hot minute and hmm... I am worried I'm gonna write about Fletch now... he's not supposed to be anyone. He's just a brother of one of the other characters #art #traditionalart #ink
"...A story that grabs your interest and does not let go until the last page is turned" #amwriting #writingcommunity #iartg #writer #inventingreality www.amazon.com/Windmill-Nov...
My first artfight attack goes out to @skulldog.bsky.social ! This is their character Bravely! Art fight website is dead as usual so social media gets it first lmao Hope you enjoy! #artfight #digitalart
Hatched another one of these little guys today. In case anyone needs a tiny bit of good news, there’s +1 leopard geckos in the world now.
I made a friend at Matthiessen State Park yesterday 😊
Suddenly, I am almost 44. But I was only 18 yesterday... Time #pecks at me, leaving a wrinkle here and a scar there, making me wonder, if I am still the same like the boy who wanted to be a train driver or how I am different from the student who did an internship as a librarian. #whistpr
What you must wear to walk the path that the moonlight makes upon the surface of the sea: A garment sewn painstakingly from other people’s memories of you This perfume made from the smoke of our love letters I have burned A dandelion picked by a child Nothing more #Poem
Your children Will grow to an age A grown up living on their own age When their head does not smell like a baby head Any more And they will no longer be excited By tractors or deer But a glass elevator will still be pretty fun And they will still call you Mama when they are tired #poetry