Jedediah Berry

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Jedediah Berry

Making it up as I go. Author of The Naming Song, coming 9/24 from Tor. See also: The Family Arcana, The Valley of Flowers, The Manual of Detection.
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imo there is no being late to this party, there is only keeping the door open to get more people in until we've taken over the block for a week
It's 6pm. I'm still in my pajamas and have done nothing but read The Saint of Bright Doors today. It's unputdownable in a way I haven't experienced before and I love everything about it. (I am late to the party, I know.)
Just learned that THE VALLEY OF FLOWERS—the weird Arthurian RPG setting I wrote with—is up for TWO WHOLE ENNIE AWARDS, including one for Product of the Year. We worked hard on this through a difficult time, and this means a lot to me.
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FRONT PAGE BANNER BABYYYY I am infrastructure boi at Lit Hub (and the podcast guy) but I'm also... the house SFFH geek. And so I bring you 21 awesome SFFH books to be excited about! (altho there are SO MANY MORE coming this year too)
Haven’t received a shiny little star for my work since grade school. Thanks, Library Journal!
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Added pictures from the printer's proofs of all Wesley Allsbrook's illustrations for The Book of Love:
For the last many months & I have been putting together a limited edition of The Book of Love in four volumes with illustrations by Wesley Allsbrook. Soon off to the printers, and then it will be available for preorder.
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Whether or not you play Troika (and you should, of course), this is pretty delightful.
Hey, stop reading about how horrible everything is. Go play with this name generator for Troika Citizens instead. It's got, like, a billion names and jobs and stuff. Chill out for a bit.
Troikan Citizan
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The three short tales in David B's "The Armed Garden, and Other Stories" are fantastic and medieval, full of pious believers trying to found new societies or conquer someone else's, while strange magic and fairy tale logic send each story in unpredictable directions. 💙📚 #comics
The Armed Garden, and Other The Armed Garden, and Other Stories by David B translated by Kim Thompson Fantagraphics 2006, reprinted 2011      There's a rare pleasur...
I’m sad we didn’t get more of Gary Oldman’s George Smiley but his Jackson Lamb is some consolation.
This is a strange and beguiling book and I’m excited for it to be loosed on the world.
Publishers Weekly reviews's THE JAGUAR MASK, out Aug 1st. If you like magical realism, surrealism, political intrigue, murder mysteries, and a humane story built on an optimistic foundation, this is for you! TJM is now available to order everywhere books are sold.
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Reposted byAvatar Jedediah Berry
Thank you Tor Books for sending THE NAMING SONG by my way!! Surreal and dreamlike fantasy with deep magic and the power of knowing. I am so excited to travel alongside the unnamed courier and see what marvels await me! And trains!!!
Got myself a little Father’s Day present: a TWSBI Diamond fountain pen.
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Reposted byAvatar Jedediah Berry
OK, lay here on this couch and dictated a the comment into the machine. Maybe you could do the same?
the CDC is again trying to limit the 2024-25 booster availability to provably immunocompromised and elderly people. they’re taking written comments through the 17th. please take a minute to let them know boosters should be available to all who want them:
Reposted byAvatar Jedediah Berry
Join us Thursday 6/20 with Tananarive Due and Kelly Link! These Locus Award nominees will be reading from their incredible work. Check out the schedule here for more nominee readings: #LocusAwards2024 #LocusAwards2024 #sff
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I am begging publishers to stop using uline, they support all kinds of bad shit and you have options, this is not an amzn situation.
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Support for Reckoning has flagged a bit since our 2022 fundraiser. We don't want to roll back payrates--we want to pay more, so more marginalized folks can have room to write about environmental justice and teach us how to be better! Please help if you can?
One More Call for Support | I hate asking for money. We asked for money in 2022 and it was rough: a lot of work, a lot of feeling sorry for pressuring people in those ridiculously hard times. But we managed, and it let us raise ...
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“You showed that it is not necessary to be unhappy, even while one is clear-eyed and undeluded about how terrible everything is.” This letter from Sontag to Borges is really getting me this morning
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And so, so well deserved! Read this book if you haven't already.
me waking up slowly, still nursing yesterday's migraine: oh let me just take a big sip of water and check my phone there's an hours-old missed call and a text message from a friend back home. it says: wake up motherfucker you just won the nebula
The Saint of Bright Doors wins the THE SAINT OF BRIGHT DOORS wins the Nebula Award!
Reposted byAvatar Jedediah Berry
SAINT officially reaches the UK today! I'm still too covidy to celebrate appropriately, so please do so on my behalf, I mean, ideally by buying the book but also running around and screaming is quite acceptable
The Saint of Bright Doors now out in the Today is the UK paperback release of THE SAINT OF BRIGHT DOORS!
Reposted byAvatar Jedediah Berry
#copyediting Improbable amounts should be expressed in, as with emojis, odd numbers, and preferably without repetition of digits. "I've watched this movie 873 times" means "I've watched this movie a lot." "I've watched this movie 442 times" means "I've watched the movie 442 times."
To the kid on his stoop two doors down, trying again and again to play Ode to Joy on his recorder: You’ve got this.
"You push a button and all the colors come out." ❤️ (Also, this piece was among the inspirations for the courier protagonist of The Naming Song.)
I love the way Moebius talked about his own art.
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