
the CDC is again trying to limit the 2024-25 booster availability to provably immunocompromised and elderly people. they’re taking written comments through the 17th. please take a minute to let them know boosters should be available to all who want them:
Why on earth would they do this? Like they're never like, only old and immunocomprised people can get flu vaccine annually. Covid is way more dangerous!
they’d rather people remain ignorant and make choices that lead them to disability and premature death than be honest about the threat covid presents and risk economic disruption 🙃
It’s the policy in the UK now, so there’s probably some assholes we’ll learn in the history books pushing this approach.
Just because the English do something doesn’t mean we should. They are not good role models.
See the problem is USians fundamentally believe anyone with a British accent is smarter than they are. Boris Johnson really should’ve broken that, but alas…
I don’t view that as a problem 😈
Ah, Brit con artist identified.
Americans loving my 50% Irish 50% British accent has served me well.
Yeah yeah, US women also tend to fall for those accents (& Irish ones), FINE. And yes I married someone maybe fitting that description. Yes I’m part of the problem… But I also get to horrify him every time we listen to some absolute gobshite going on about smthg & he asks, ‘Even that one?’ ‘Yup!’
Teaaboos, Continental wannabes, & lovers of the Mid-Atlantic accent all fall for this one easy trick!
not disputing you at all, just trying to info gather so that i can make the most effective comment possible--would you mind pointing to where you saw that they're working to limit booster availability? the document they linked to (and the document linked therein) don't have info that i could find
maybe i misinterpreted but this is from the People’s CDC newsletter:
The ask for comment about booster eligibility is sort of implicit, rather than explicit here. ACIP gives recommendations to CDC on vaccination best practices, CDC indicated last year they were thinking about restricting eligibility for boosters, this is an opportunity to remind them to not do that
a helpful clarification, thank you 🖤🖤
thank you, this is super helpful! the ACIP meeting agenda is frustratingly vague. "Recommendation votes are scheduled for...COVID-19 vaccines" is basically all it says lol
submitted a comment! thanks again for your help 💖
yayy ofc thanks so much for doing that 💞💞
Really needed a lift today and I got that lift seeing you 2 helping one another out so we can come together and push back against this, 💙💙💙 to you all
This happens every year (also for flu shots), I’m not sure where people got the idea that they want to restrict access this year. It seems very unlikely to me
it was policy for the last booster before pressure forced them to reverse course so that doesn’t seem a safe assumption to me. it takes thirty seconds to comment
To be clear, I am supportive
so I think what that's saying is "IF it were limited, how would that affect you" is a good way to frame your comment. I don't see any solid evidence that's the CDC's actual framework right now, but certainly arguing that boosters should be for everyone is a good way to go.
i don’t think the CDC says “this is what we’re doing” but it’s what they did last time and the People’s CDC which i trust seems to be under the impression without intervention that’s the way it will go
I commented and said that recommended boosters for Covid (and any other regularly-updated vaccine) should be universal, because accessibility should be a priority and misinformed pharmacists have turned down eligible loved ones for shots. Eliminating confusion should be a priority.
sure. just offering a thought/clarification. I did submit a comment :)
Yes I merely noted that many people have conditions that make covid worse and have other risk factors such as working with children.
hm maybe try clearing ur cache ? it just worked for me
this doesn't say anything of the sort?
That hypothetical could be submitted by somebody who didn't want to see access restricted. Trying to get people to make comments supporting a wide availability. I see nothing from the CDC suggesting they are trying to restrict availability. Indeed, that's the opposite of what they've generally said.
this was the policy for the last booster before public pressure made them reverse course
and they’ve spent the last 4 years making precautions less, not more, accessible, so commenting is not going to do any harm and could do a world of good
I also can't find anything about limitations; anyone have a highlight or screenshot or something?
If you look in the document attached to the comments page linked, it says that they will be voting on recommendations for different immunizations including for covid-19. It's very vague, but we're commenting on how we would like them to vote.
✅ 🙏 “Covid Boosters should be available to all who want them at no cost. We’re the world’s wealthiest nation, and scientific data and common sense support the greatest available resistance to a novel and mutating disease that has killed over a million Americans and disabled many thousands more.“
I signed off: “We need and deserve the soundest policy to fight this virus. Please uphold the public’s trust in you.”
Thank you for the text. I submitted. It only took 2 minutes.
thank you. we all have covid in the house now, due to someone in the kiddo's summer camp (and a lot of the kids got it too). ours has been mild thanks to the vax. we need the booster so it doesn't devastate ppl. and everyone should have the opp to get it!
absolutely. i’m so sorry you’re dealing with it but i’m glad it’s mild. hoping for a fast and full recovery for you all 💜
Sent my comment in. We all know someone who's elderly or immunocompromised - why risk them and put the onus of health on them alone? Boggles my mind..
Just did. Thanks. Took 3 minutes