Joseph Elliott-Coleman

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Joseph Elliott-Coleman

Croydon based Science Fiction + Fantasy writer
The challenge is to choose 20 books that greatly influenced you. One book per day for 20 days. No explanation, no reviews. Just covers. Day 10
Worth its weight in gold! The late Steve Dillion was one of my favourite artists and is easily (along with #gosekikojima) on the two greatest comic book storytellers who ever lived. This is a gold mine of education material.
Not posted for a while due to real-world agonies, but I thought I'd post for #wipwednesday I got some black watercolour paper and will soon try to colour it with gouache. Some classic #Doom #fanart
he challenge is to choose 20 books that greatly influenced you. One book per day for 20 days. No explanation, no reviews. Just covers. Day 9
normally I would viciously player hate on a remake of an all-time great movie, but this one is the ruler remaking one of his hits with a black main cast. John Woo found the blueprint. I'm gonna rewatch The Killer (1989) while I work today too
THE KILLER Trailer (2024) Nathalie THE KILLER Trailer (2024) Nathalie Emmanuel, Sam Worthington, Omar Sy, Eric Cantona, John Woo, Action Movie © 2024 - Peacock
This summer I will be supporting the Mongolian Olympic team because this is their uniform and it is a thousand times better than anything Nike has ever made.
gotta love how contemporary publishing is 30000000 beautiful, deeply felt, finely crafted books with 7.5 readers each whose authors are just barely making a living, and like 4 books that financially support the whole apparatus, each of which has comprehensively and unforgivably destroyed society
If you could point your friends, roommates, chums, associates, pals, colleagues, comrades, buddies, neighbours, etc. in our general direction that would be great. RTs, or whatever they’re called, much appreciated
I've been looking forward to this for ages! Well done mate.
Showing a pitch is incredibly rare, and never before the book comes out. Check out something that's unheard of. :)
he challenge is to choose 20 books that greatly influenced you. One book per day for 20 days. No explanation, no reviews. Just covers. Day 8
Institutions work until they don’t. It’s banal but true. Courts as institutions worked when Trump tried to steal the election, but FedSoc has been chipping away at them for decades, and I think it is very rational to doubt they will work any more to restrain an executive.
WSJ this morning. lol at the last bit. "Leaders on both sides need to stop describing the stakes of the election in apocalyptic terms. Democracy won't end if one or the other candidate is elected. Fascism is not aborning if Mr. Trump wins, unless you have little faith in American institutions."
BLADE RUNNER Ridley Scott’s sci-di classic was released OTD 42 years ago (same day as Carpenter THE THING- what a grand weekend it was for sci-if and great movies in general ❤️)
ALIENS One of the rare cases where the sequel of a movie is as great as the first one, James Cameron's ALIENS (produced by ) starring Sigourney Weaver, Michael Biehn, Lance Henriksen, Paul Reiser, & Bill Paxton was released OTD in 1986.
Currently rereading this masterpiece of a crime comic for research and inspiration for my most ambitious project yet.
Seriously this is the takeaway from every art critique of my 4 year degree. #art
It’s early, so here’s a trade secret: “Getting better” at art isn’t about not making mistakes, it’s about learning to incorporate them into your final art so they don't look like mistakes.
Getting increasingly pissed off by various politicians "distraught" today. This is America, where every day we wonder if this when someone we love gets mowed down by a shooter. Pretending to be shocked just shows you don't get it. Trump has a Secret Service detail to protect him. My kids don't.
Any decent human being in Donald Trump's position yesterday, after getting medically cleared, would've gone immediately to the family of the people killed at his rally. They would've visited with the person in critical condition. Trump flew to New Jersey.
I agree
Spent the evening watching Once Upon A Time in the West... a perfect example of a "long" movie that doesn't feel any longer than a 90 minute movie because it's so engaging. It really wants you to pay attention and think because it spells out so little.
This is but one reason to go watch Basic Instinct.
I just learned that Dorothy Malone—the bookstore owner in The Big Sleep, that Dorothy Malone—was in Basic Instinct. So now I have to go watch Basic Instinct.
Behold the glory.
Small Press Day is back! And this time we're calling it a Festival!! We'll have over 40 guests this year, with 7 back-to-back signings! Saturday 17th August 2024, from 11am until 6pm at Gosh! For more information and to see our full-line up, click here: