
Now do breastfeeding. (With my kids, I was eating peanut butter by the jar-full just to get enough calories). "In humans, the energetic cost of pregnancy is about 50,000 dietary calories — far higher than previously believed, a new study found."
Scientists Calculated the Energy Needed to Carry a Baby. Shocker: It’s a In humans, the energetic cost of pregnancy is about 50,000 dietary calories — far higher than previously believed, a new study found.
Also, the idea that anyone was "shocked" by this finding is only evidence of how little we care about pregnant people and about women's health more generally.
For those saying "that's not that many calories per day." It's not every day of pregnancy. Most people are 6-8 weeks (or more) before they know they're pregnant. And they're often too nauseous to eat until ~20 weeks (some even lose weight). So, it's mostly concentrated in the second 20 weeks.
Have fed the baby twice today. Think I will have another bagel.
it’s a wild amount of calories for someone to eat. It’s also wild that a human body can build a whole living conscious being with the amount of energy in two gallons of gasoline
Lord, I remember all the pregnancy books telling me I only needed like an extra half cup of yogurt a day. When I was nursing I had bowls of trail mix in every room and still dropped weight like a stone.
Holy shit, yes And the nutritional advice for postpartum women is useless, because it all assumes you’re trying to lose weight I had to look for advice on how to add calories in a healthy way on sites aimed at people recovering from chemotherapy, ffs
And hopefully snacking too : )
I lost 20 lbs in my pregnancy due to GD so I’ve actually gained weight BF. Baby is too wiggly for snacks these days - she tries to steal them!
Weight gain while breastfeeding is super common, because despite calories out going up, hormones often slow your metabolism. My CNM described post-partum while breastfeeding as a lot like menopause. Breastfeeding always = weight loss is a myth.
Eh, I take your general point but I can say flat out that my current relationship to calories in perimenopause is *nothing* like my experience of breastfeeding
I’m pretty convinced that I’ve gone straight from having a baby a few weeks shy of 43 directly into peri but maybe I’m just being optimistic about how close I squeezed this one out.
I used to wake up in the middle of the night, eat a bowl (as in, a pint) of ice cream and then go back to bed. It was the only way I could get through the night. I looked like Barbie while I was breast-feeding.
I look like a melted pile of several Barbies but I was already very obese when I got pregnant(turns out it IS possible).
Ha! My second pregnancy, I already had all the weight I needed. Still didn’t gain enough to satisfy my doctors, but I managed!
I gained 5 lbs my last pregnancy, the baby was nearly 8 lbs and by a week after my surgery I was 20 lbs down from my pre pregnancy weight. GD was awful.
I love my children, but being pregnant is like having a ravenous parasite take over your entire life and being.
It’s fascinating that this is only coming out now when we we’ve known for decades that women lose nutrients and bone density due to pregnancy.
German proverb: one child, one tooth. costs that much in resources
That comes from the fact that your gums get more loose and it's thus easier to contract bacterial infections in your mouth. Pregnant people: go to the dentist, at least once or pregnancy. Losing teeth is preventable.
annd because pregnancy and lactation pull calcium and other minerals from your body. so yes to dental care, and to supplements as well
And I was so thirsty ALL THE TIME
So IIUC previous analysis didn't include elements like generating and sustaining the placenta? That seems like a serious oversight. Quite apart from obvious increased energy use as various body processes get cranked to 11. How could energy all end up in baby? Human energy use isn't 100% efficient.
Yes, I was losing a pound a day while eating 2 eggs on a bagel as a snack between meals during my first month of breastfeeding...
"The baby itself becomes a rounding error" The sentences I read on Al Gore's internet
I remember buying huge quantities of whole milk to satisfy my wife while she was pregnant and nursing. Little one was insatiable.
I'm genuinely shocked it's that low.
And anyone who has ever been pregnant is shouting “obviously!”
This floored me: “It is disarming,” he said. “You think, someone has done this before.”
Eat tons of Carrots the rabbit plague is proof.
Is nothing safe from Biden's inflation? /s