
I can't stand the nonsense of punditry, going to go out and make a big noise about a new candidate when it literally is no longer possible and you didn't even bother to check on that before you started running your mouth. I am too practical a person for this shit.
I sure hope all the Dems calling for Biden to step aside have gamed out the fuckery that the Heritage Foundation is planning
Also the vibes on here lately are real bad but at such a volume and frequency that I can't just unfollow or mute a few people. The brain is not meant to tolerate this much gloom and doom, point and counterpoint.
I'm considering checking out of social media altogether for a while, partly to concentrate on writing, but also because I don't want to deal with four months—possibly four years—of alarm ringing: I'm quite aware of how bad it is
I know. I keep thinking about how bad 2016-2020 was and I do not want to go back there!
I feel all of this. I'm spending the week with my bestie, first time in person in 5 years, and because my tuning in here is a habit, the gloom seeps into conversations where it doesn't even belong. Not healthy.
Yeah exactly. I think I'm noticing it more because I'm on vacation and otherwise checked out
Hi in shared practicality and revulsion at the bad vibes