
This should be obvious but isn't. Thanks for driving it home: Stop talking about Biden's age. Focus on his judgment and the team he chose👉 "experts, genuine scientists, respected economists, and effective governmental actors and advisers."
Everyone Needs to Stop Freaking Out About Biden’s Age We’re in a Biden-Trump rematch. And the media is focusing on this?
The contrast between those who believe in governance and have the expertise vs Trump's arsonists could not be starker.
They đź‘Ź want đź‘Ź Trump đź‘Ź to win! (Love Dahlia)
Oh, I won't go as far as that, they just want a horserace so they can get the easy stories and clicks. And if he happens to win? Eh, they'll be fiiiine. Journalistic malpractice.
Also, while Biden isn’t always going to be right, he is going to listen to his team, and I expect decisions we don’t like have reasons behind them we don’t see. Trump does whatever he likes based on who stroked his ego or hurt his feelings while he’s online in the can. They are not the same.
The last person who spoke to him before he makes the decision.
Trump literally can no longer string a coherent sentence together, but everyone is fooled by his bronzer and hair dye.
Follow Trump’s train-of-thought challenge.
You're asking a lot of the lazy Jill. Also...I'm torn between - we are seeing the Editorial thumb on the scale here and/or a ever decreasing number of actual reporters and the increasing media ownership concentration homogenizing coverage.
We don't vote for one person. We vote for an administration (keep in mind; good people attract good people) & any person that thinks they know it all will NOT make a good administration or partner, friend, employer, banker, neighbor, spouse.... you get the point, right?
Why is Trump that strange shiny colour? Boot polish?
There's not one single Republican I'd take over Biden, and I don't give a rat's ass what their age is.
Joe Biden is the worst presidential candidate I will ever vote for.
Oh come on, you know Biden has all the charisma of a sock drawer.
It's not just Biden's capacity to govern though. The average life expectancy of a 82-year-old white American male is 7.3 years. That's the longevity profile of a Stage 2 lung cancer patient. If this is indeed the Most Important Election Ever, why go all-in with that candidate? Do we remember RBG?
It's really quite simple; A Trump administration would be a dictatorship (see and a Biden administration would be ethical, Constitutional & attract the same. VP Harris is also the same, if she's needed. Not to ignore the history of ethics in each party:
Their age difference is barely anything too. It’s not like Trump is 25 years younger or something… people just grasping at straws to get the most idiotic dictator back in power.
FYI: Biden's age = Kamala's skin color Don't get confused. đź’™