
I've had two drinks, why not pitch a grenade: The only thing wrong about the RFK dog thing is the racism. If you eat meat, there is no good reason for any variety of animal to be off limits, unless it's endangered.
I love to cook. A number of years ago I had a co-worker from Peru. In the course of conversation I asked her if there were any uniquely Peruvian dishes that she liked. She fumbled and stumbled and finally said, "Guinea pig." Food and culture are inextricably intertwined. Neither should be judged.
Just got back from Peru and can say that guinea pig is delicious. Like shockingly good.
So is Alpaca! Like, the most delicious steak I've ever eaten. ;A;
I will second this, for llama. The best red meat I've ever had.
My parents knew a family in rural Ohio that raised guinea pigs for eatin. They weren't Peruvian. I have no idea where they might've picked it up.