
I've had two drinks, why not pitch a grenade: The only thing wrong about the RFK dog thing is the racism. If you eat meat, there is no good reason for any variety of animal to be off limits, unless it's endangered.
intellectually I know you are 100% correct reconciling that with the emotional response is one of those processes one can't rush, though, I find
I eat VERY little meat. And my rule is that it must be humanely raised and quickly killed without stress/suffering. My only beef (pun intended) with dog meat is that it's often like veal in its treatment.
I totally agree with the first part of your statement (and don't know enough to agree with the second). My biggest regret when it comes to processing our animals is having to ship them somewhere. I wish it could be done on site to reduce stress.
When I was living in Seoul, there was a whole debate about “should we stop eating dog meat because the foreigners dislike the tradition?” There was no humane ending to the meat-trade dogs’ lives. That was the bigger problem. Those animals suffered greatly.
And I say that with full admission that I’m alive today because an ancestor or several survived a famine or siege by eating what was available: cats, dogs, rats, songbirds, whatever they could catch. Historical fact.
I love to cook. A number of years ago I had a co-worker from Peru. In the course of conversation I asked her if there were any uniquely Peruvian dishes that she liked. She fumbled and stumbled and finally said, "Guinea pig." Food and culture are inextricably intertwined. Neither should be judged.
Just got back from Peru and can say that guinea pig is delicious. Like shockingly good.
So is Alpaca! Like, the most delicious steak I've ever eaten. ;A;
I will second this, for llama. The best red meat I've ever had.
My parents knew a family in rural Ohio that raised guinea pigs for eatin. They weren't Peruvian. I have no idea where they might've picked it up.
I had a feeling that was where you were going. Can't really argue with it either. My pest control guy told me there is no difference between mice & squirrels- except squirrels have better PR. Cows are so loveable. Ducks & geese are surprisingly smart. Pigs apparently make great pets.
Following Esther the Wonder Pig put me off of pork for YEARS. The only reason I reintroduced it in my family's diet is because due to health issues our options are extremely limited and one can only really eat so much chicken.
When I was a kid, a neighbor couple had a pet pig for years. She was friendly and clever and I liked visiting with her.
I was expecting the pic to be horrifying. It's just a man holding cooked meat. Meat that's uncomfortable in our culture but I was expecting something horrifying.
I'll throw one too. I agree. Other cultures are aghast that we eat beef. No real difference.
I do base my choices on what I think is cute. I won't eat ducks because they're too adorable (please don't mention how awful they are, I know, but they're cute) whereas geese are bastards so they get in the pot.
Chicken was the last thing I gave up to go veg. Grandparents had a farm, and I had to collect eggs. They did not want to give them up.
And it annoyed me that everyone seems obsessed by the meat part, eclipsing the whole sexual assault part.
Counterpoint: the thing that's wrong is that the dog eating is the only thing he has to defend, when a dog is still just an animal like any other (i am agreeing with you here). He doesn't have to defend the sexual assault, just ignore it. That's my problem with this story, currently.
I honestly agree. I think there is ethical forms of getting meat from animals that people keep as pets. I mean for heck's sake rabbit farms are a thing and we keep these bunnies as pets in addition to meat. The racism should be the focal point of RFK's babbling nonsense and the News Media statements
rules of what i don't eat: things that are cuter than me things that are smarter than me things that can eat me
I hope to god I'm cute then
Proud carnivore here, but there's something in me which would never eat something I had previously seen alive. So if I played with one of your cows, I could never eat it.
Okay, I agree in theory… However, I don’t want to eat anything I’ve met. I understand it was a real living being at one time. And I don’t want to have formed an attachment.
I think the other thing wrong with it is that it probably gave him a brain worm
Agree. I can't even promise I've never eaten it, because I've eaten lots of stuff in lots of parts of the world where I could neither speak nor read the language. I'm told it's not THAT common to just stumble on, but... who knows? 🤷
Animals vary in their capabilities. There are actually very good reasons not to eat higher mammals. Eating an ape or an elephant is worse than eating a cow which is worse than eating a chicken which is worse than eating an invertebrate. Dog is about even with pig, though. So yeah, racism is a factor
I see the reasoning but I don't think it's inherently contradictory to value some animals more than others; we do that with every other category of thing too (I feel I am allowed to say this from the commanding heights of vegetarian moral superiority or however it works lol)
I suspect you know better than I do, but dogs in Asia are often killed in unimaginably inhumanely cruel ways for their meat. I think people'd have the same reaction if that picture had been taken in any Western country as well.
I decree all horses are endangered. King Joe granted me this power. When horse owners in the US try to justify sending their horses to slaughter instead of euthanizing them, I ask why we waste meat by euthanizing dogs and cats in shelters. Lab Chops, anyone? (I’ll admit I’m racist on this)
It's his apparent lie about it. (Instead of saying what you point out.) And his denouncing the well-sourced VF article as 'garbage'. And now, it appears, tailoring his response to the dog story (joking +attacking) so's to try to get headlines about it instead of the sex assault(s).
This is an argument for cannibalism with extra steps.