
"how can you X when Y is happening" Because I have to, ok? I don't have the option of bed rotting while I scroll an endless feed of The Horrors. Various sets of people need things from me and I need to be capable of smiling.
I read a post from someone the other day that essentially said, “You do know that people still lived their lives all through WWII, right?” and it was kinda something that I needed to read and reflect on
I gotta adult every day! Every single one!
*screechy Bill Belichick voice* And there are No! Days! OFFFFFF!
Actually football only has 16 scheduled work days a year. Kindergarten for babies
How can you X when BlueSky has an open board seat you should sit on?
Exactly. Giving in isn't exactly in my nature either. And besides, what good does sitting in a darkened room all day mourning over things you have no control over do for anyone? No slagging someone who needs "dark room" time sometimes but that's not supposed to be your whole life, living that way.
There's a saying: don't let the bastards get you down. I try to remember that one. The Bad Ones out there want people who are against their interests to want to do nothing. Why should I give them that?
How can I clean my oven & have brunch when children are dying. the oven is dirty & I can impact that situation and improve it. If I could send brunch to the starving I would (I do donate). Feeding myself and having some enjoyment isn’t going to change anything except to keep me sane and fed.
I would love to curl in bed and not exist for a while, but if I don't go to work, my bills don't get paid, and then I have no food, shelter, and medicine. I can't afford the luxury of letting panic set in
What will the revolution even be for if you have forgotten how to enjoy life?
can't stop thinking about "there's a genocide to stop and laundry to do"
This one feels like a punch in the chest: Vinay Krishnan on the bird app.
'How can you laugh while others cry' Great just what I need, guilting myself the times I manage to push through depression and enjoy something
True - this is something similar to what I have been told in my profession by my supervisors; you have to be present for good, bad, and all the moments in between.
Sometimes you just have to get on with it. It’s good for you mental heath to just keep going.