
i immediately bought the goat simulator 3 DLC and i am enjoying it very much but i am also getting increasingly frustrated bc so much of it is extremely finicky platforming puzzles which seems like an odd choice for a game where im playing as a goat and the goat controls like shit
like no offense but if i was good at actual video games i wouldn't be playing "Goat Simulator"
in fact i am so uniquely bad at video games that they should hire me as a stress tester bc if there is a way to break a game i WILL find it, completely by accident
I, too, am like this and someone should sponsor us to play cooperatively on Twitch because it would by hysterical. Did you know that you can drive so badly in GTA5 that you set the car on fire IN THE TUTORIAL?
I did worse in 4, got it wedged sideways between a fence and a building. I couldn’t move, or get out of the car. Threw the controller down in frustration, and never touched it again.
Very difficult to pick up the sex workers and rob their bosses that way.
Or get to the checkpoint to complete your drive, from the airport, which is the very first thing you do.
GTA5 us how I discovered you can get a refund from Steam
There's a small speedrunner category where you buy the game, 100% and send it back for a refund. You get 2 hours end to end
i hate driving in games soooo much lmao