
Would you have marched in the streets if Trump had blocked certification of Biden's win? If so, Jeff Clark's plan was to have the US Army shoot you.
The indictment makes clear that Donald Trump and his accomplices planned to seize power by force and then maintain that power through the mass murder of American citizens by their own military
I mean, I think we knew that. Everyone I knew who was, like myself, signed up to do those marches if needed, we talked about that possibility. I think that moderate centrists are MUCH more shocked by all this than Resisters.
Centrists probably don't even know that there WERE marches planned if the coup succeeded. They were so perfectly faithful to the Nancy vision of "Don't give it oxygen, he's not worth it." The idea that he wasn't doing it for attention, he actually wants to seize power like any coup, was unthinkable.
It wasn't so much unthinkable as it was a dumb scheme. You would have needed buy-in from a college educated officer corps and that's even before asking random 19 year olds to open fire on unarmed citizens. The Joint Chiefs had come out publicly for months ahead of time saying they wouldn't do it
Well that's kind of what I mean though. It's a dumb scheme TO US because we're not true believers in the cause. To believers it seems very different, even now. It's important that we can model the fascists' terrible broken brains accurately.
Shit, I forgot we're not saying d***b on this website anymore. My bad.
That's all true, that's why the real moment of danger was January 6th, which would have turned in to a massively destabilizing bloodbath were there not a lot of fortunate outcomes. As to getting officers and random kids just trying to get a GI bill and access to VA loans to restore order.....
on behalf of Trump, shooting American citizens? Yeah, wasn't going to happen. Military would have stayed out while we endured massive civil strife with unknown outcomes. I'm just saying the military being used against the people was never coming to fruition.
I’m not sure we can be certain about our military would have resisted unlawful orders from Trump. Obviously, the military is a large body, and not homogeneous, but I recall the Trijicon scandal, and complaints of racism and religious discrimination at the AFA.
It's not "this is completely wild and unexpected" shocking, no. But it packs a punch nonetheless.
Indeed. May I ask what was your understanding of the J6 attack, before it happened? What did you think was going to happen that day? I just like to hear people's memories about that.
I assumed there was gonna be a lot of fuss and moaning without much result. Mostly because I assumed law enforcement was a lot better prepared for the thing we all saw being planned on social media
I don't think we saw the same thing. If you did not know that it was going to be *an attack on congress for the purpose of trying to stop the certification in order to install Trump,* you just thought it was going to be a protest, that is extremely different. Did you read posts on the .win sites?
Here is what I knew was going to happen, and what I wanted done about it was for them to erect a security fence. Nancy had the right to ask for one, but she did not because, like you, she thought it was going to just be a protest.
I assumed law enforcement was sufficiently prepared for the possibility of a violent response that it meant a violent response was unlikely, which proved short sighted
"Can I put my pants on?"
Seriously. Fuck that guy.
bush stealing the 2000 election emboldened trump more than anyone is talking about
Honestly none of this surprises me but it is wild to see the evidence
Yeah. Hits different, as the kids say
should this even be a surprise to people after his response to the 2020 summer of protests?
Imagine the National Guard and Bureau of Prisons mowing down the Women’s March.
I would have marched without hesitation and subsequently bled and died in the streets. Sure I’m a wee bit annoyed.
Maybe not... I live in downtown DC. Word went out on 1/5...via social media, friends, Safeway cashiers, dog walkers...that we must not engage with the "tourists" because DJT was hoping to invoke the Insurrection Act. Compliance was A+. HT to my fellow Washingtonians
Omg you live there? That must hv been crazy. I was glued to the tv that morning. I screamed when the window was smashed. It felt like I was sleepwalking and dreaming. My brain couldn’t accept that it was real.
Washingtonians were all on the same page that day: "Don't give Mango Mussolini any cause to call in the military on his own behalf."
Were you in the pathway of the crowds? Did you see them at all? I’ve been to DC twice and mostly stayed in Alexandria so I can’t picture it from a resident’s pov
Oh yes I remember that. I recall that there was a feeling in the air that something was going to happen. I got the memo. I would not hv left my house for anything 1/5 or 1/6. If certification failed on the 6th, I’m sure huge crowds would organize in the next few days in protest. Women’s march size
I absolutely would have come out to protest. Everyone I know would too. We all marched for 4 years in the women’s march. We dodged a bullet by millimeters. Sadly, we’re not safe yet.
Everyone who knew that J6 was going to happen worked very hard to spread the news that this was an attack on Congress, not a protest, so antifa should not go out, because it would add an extra pretext for Trump's plan to seize power. But marches were planned for AFTERWARD, in case he took power.
I mean, Trump had already sent federal troops to Portland in 2020 to shoot Black Lives Matter protesters. So yeah. Been in effect.
Yep. I noticed that. My kid and I might well have been shot.
Yep. It would ultimately have been a military coup if they had gotten that far.
Yes I would've and still would be had he been successful. But tbh, I don't think the armed forces would've played ball with the former president.
You're probably right, but it's still unsettling, and we have both a distinct white supremacist problem in the military and Kent and Jackson State to consider. It's really not great that we're banking on the military ignoring orders from civilian leadership
Federal LE would have, and possibly local national guard that Trump could have federalized. Red state guard in particular
Who in the Army was willing to follow such orders?