
okay given that i have covid can nobody be mad at me for the next week? if anyone upset at me for any reason could wait 7-10 days to air those grievances, i would really appreciate it. thanks for understanding
yeah make sure you only watch *good* movies while you're recuperating
someone joked about watching extended lotr
i mean it *would* kill twelve hours
And as someone that doesn’t particularly jive with Tolkien, I have still watched all three so many times.
fuck it i'm gonna download them
waiting for the review how you'd rather have long covid than long LOTR (I like em! but gotta joke about how they're long like the original xbox is large)
okay but that's the thing: are the extended cuts even good?
They vary, and all of the cut footage makes sense as to why it was cut, but the reason is almost always runtime and not quality of scene. IMO 3 remains weakest in both cuts, so I’ve also seen the first two more than all three.
I like the consistency from our responses and that RotK extended is either messy or the weakest. By RotK extended you’ve heard so much from the characters, and a lot of the extra stuff doesn’t benefit (like Gimli doesn’t get better material in extended TT or RotK)
That said, Eowyn/Faramir gets a little more detail in extended RotK, but even then I don’t think it’s enough
It’s also worth noting for people born of a certain time, this was a technical phenomenon. You absorbed details via cultural osmosis that add to the rewatch: -did you know she auditioned under a fake name? -this is where he broke a toe! -this is a meta nod to a scene repurposed from the books! etc
True, I was a teenager when Fellowship came out and it was a marvel of filmmaking unlike anything that came before.
oh so i should have a super fan in my ear telling me info then, huh?
I think they are best served over multiple days as a communal watch. Back-to-back is an endurance match without value imo. If you haven’t seen them at all, I think I’d personally be distracted by that sort of commentary on first watch but appreciated it on rewatches, almost ala movie-as-ritual.
Oh fuck yeah. There's a reason nobody has the theatrical cuts on DVD or BR.
I can't unsee the theatrical before having watched them so it's hard to say on their own merits? I don't think they feel like the extra scenes drag them down (the edits in ROTK I bug on are still the same), and I like seeing more character and plot details
Literally every scene in the extended editions that was cut from the theatrical was for runtime. The extended editions are just flat-out better.
it's tolkein, the books are phone book thick, so everything is a time cut, but yeah I am very good with the extended and they are the keeper version for me, just depends on how much of that stuff you're up for, and it's like other director's cuts and such, it's very rare they're the first viewing
I feel like Fellowship and Two Towers benefited from the extra material while Return of the King was…just longer? Overall I prefer the extended
This is the way. Theatrical are just missing bits that flesh out the characters more
Yes. First and last have the best added material, though not all added material is the best. But imo they're the superior versions overall, especially Fellowship. You can easily watch in six segments without shotgunning each movie whole.
thats actually not true you legally have to watch back to back to back or else be officially branded a wimp you get a special ID card in the mail and everything
Friend, I have not had that kind of time in 20 years
so fellowship extended is a perfect film, the latter two suffer from pacing issues and rotk extended is a mess but the extended scenes are amazing in all three and worth a watch just for those
This is entirely a subjective thing. I know *I* prefer the extended cuts, but I love all the little lore bits that are snuck in with those uncut scenes. But you have to have a tolerance for *very* long viewing time. My parents? Lost interest an eighth of the way through the first movie...
...and that was the theatrical cut.
If you’ve seen the original cuts at least twice already, they’re wonderful. If you’re watching for the first time, they absolutely butcher the pace.
i love lord of the rings. far, far too mu ch. but katie you shouldn't be working while sick with the rona. : (
imo the theatrical cut of Fellowship was far superior and the best of all 6 films/editions, the pacing was just INCREDIBLE like i don't think another blockbuster has ever done it better towers i felt either version was good, maybe a slight edge to extended king i prefer extended overall
theatrical king did have one or two things i liked better, but this is the only one where the extended has stuff that felt *missing* in the theatrical so for that alone i have to give it to extended
They're... Fine. The deleted scenes are generally as good as the rest, but making it 4 hours long makes the movies kind of a chore especially when we insist on watching them back to back. Jackson agrees, he cut them because it didn't hurt the movies and they were too long left in.
It's both one of if not the last major fantasy/scifi production to use a bunch of stagecraft and traditional cinematography, and maybe the biggest ever, so it's understandable wanting an extra four minutes of Hobbits at a bar to see the craft, but I feel like I need Adderall to make it through.
I have a very high tolerance for long movies as long as I'm finding them cool so I do worry about everyone's favorite zoomer hanging in through the walking simulator, but I do think there's very solid compelling stuff throughout to keep it going
omg katie, don't do this to yourself, just watch the last Coen Bros. Film You Will Ever Need To See, instead of 18 hours of New Zealand Footage
i'm so glad you asked, it's THE HUDSUCKER PROXY (1994)
The extended cuts are worth it alone for the commentary. The 4 hobbit actors watching together, mostly goofing on each other and just recalling the fun times.
It literally makes them even fucking more awesome and epic
I liked them. But you have to remember that I also liked The Hobbit trilogy even though most people didn't because I just like the feeling of hanging out with Bilbo and Gandalf. Same reason I enjoyed the Matrix 4, I'll always show up to watch Keanu stomp around as Neo.
yes and no. theres some scenes where it makes sense why they cut it but theres other more essential scenes where i have no idea why they cut it, to the extent that it makes those parts of the theatrical cut not really make sense but if you havent seen the theatrical cuts i’d start with those