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Jon close

Wealth editor and formerly credit guy at with intelligence.
I swear she's actually AI. Like she can construct a Tory from source work, but it's just somehow not what a human would say
As someone who literally campaigns for PR, that's awful framing. Your vote still has an impact if your candidate didn't win in FPTP, your MP represents the entire constituency, including those who voted against them.
I mean. I haven't read it, but isn't people power pretty much the definition of an election? Also does this mean he wasn't built from below when he was at the top? or was he challenging himself? And hasn't the new movement already started if you've achieved something with people power?
I have mentioned on here before, but I saw lots of labour stuff, odd Green leaflet, nothing from Greens. And one Reform placard thing... down a private road.
*'nothing from Tories' that should've said.
Yea. Extremely low chance it actually worked significantly. Pretty high chance it being a disaster. But if you lose before a flight takes off. Pretty high chance Labour scrap it and boats increase, or keep it and look hypocritical.
This is insane on so many levels. But I particularly like how much more support there is for returning to a gold backed-currency, compared to abolishing the Fed.
YouGov: What Americans think about Project 2025. More, via Opinion Today:
This could go either way. For context, does she work for either Hot Wheels, or Scalextric?
I think he saw the wheels were falling off faster than he'd hoped, probably why he called it earlier than most expected. I also wouldn't be surprised if he didn't want to be the guy that actually sent people to Rwanda in case something really awful happened.
I doubt he personally threw the election, but for instance, I didn't see anything from my local Tory MP at all during the campaign. Pretty sure a lot of the incumbents were much keener to dust off their CVs than figure out how to fix their own mess.
It's also a bit confusing for British cycling fans. but reassuring that they're not coordinating, I guess.
It also absolutely doesn't answer the question beyond 'nothing in particular' while saying how disruptive it would be.
And tbf to Dan Jarvis, it would be crazy to not say that you were reviewing the legislation, and he does bring up their focus on violence against women.
Was walking through a crowded food market and a pram just rolled into us from the crowd with a baby in. And had this super awkward 5 minutes trying to find it's mother shouting 'I've got someone's baby'. turned out it had rolled a long way from a woman buying some fancy cheese who was non-fussed.
Unattended pram with baby in outside the bookies. Saw it begin to roll down the street toward the busy road. I ran & stopped it, then stayed with it. Dad came out the bookies and accused me of kidnapping his son. Just want to fess that I saved the life of a kid with crap dad
2001: a Space Jam Odyssey A Series of Unfortunate Event Horizons Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy Who Shagged Me.
Merge two films: The Good, the Bad and the Coyote Ugly Willy Wonka and the Football Factory
For the person who thinks they're a big man in a small town?
I like to philosophise that there's a political tradition where one side has a vision of a new, better society and one side is resisting all and any change. And so it's much easier to hold your nose in one tradition than the other. But I doubt the continuity of tradition is actually there.
Best case scenario: you berate an old man in public until he quits and the confusion makes a trump victory almost inevitable, and you look bad. Worst case scenario: pretty much the exact same thing just without the quitting. You're just choosing this one bad thing.
Not gunna lie. I've been saying Watkins should be up front. And I think I was more happy that came true than anything else.
Incredible use of referee pundit on ITV there.
'Best-placed' as in the one with the most votes.
you absolutely do not need a majority of votes to win your constituency.
a majority of constituents, who do not represent a majority of voters in their constituency. I was being specific about the constituent level thing for a reason.
it's absolutely how it's supposed to work. It's been discussed a lot, and was how it worked for a long long time.
because it means that they were only working on behalf of the voters for their party. If you win 51-49, in our current system, you kinda should be defying your party almost half of the time. And if you lose the whip or have to leave the party, then that's fine.
because the vote was based, (at the constituent level), on being the best-placed person for the job. Not on having the majority, and certainly not all, of the constituency agree with your party.
But you can't stand for a party and a constituency at the same time. Currently MPs stand for a constituency. That's what they're voting on behalf of in parliament, only a % of that constituency voted for that manifesto or party, usually less than 50%.
* as in, you can stand for the voters to your party in the constituency, or you can stand for all the constituency, but that might go against the party. If you stand for the former, then FPTP is basically not democracy, but the latter means you need to be free to vote against the party and switch.
It is if their jobs are contingent on them sticking to a particular party and/or its manifesto. They are supposed to be representing the constituents that didn't vote for that party just as much as the ones that did. So they should vote and act accordingly.