mang mang, my baby shot me down

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mang mang, my baby shot me down

boring machine
i keep getting emails from the Prince Charles about LONGLEGS AND HUNDREDS OF BEAVERS
I was reading the side effects of SSRIs today and it really is fucked up that they're just like "yes, this will probably mess up your sex life, and it could do that forever even if you come off it. oh well"
i agree but also loads of people who say this are also like "oh ho i see SOMEBODY was butthurt by a simple critique" when they screenshot a block from a centrist or whatever (not targeting the OP here)
The idea that being blocked is an aggressive act or "social violence" or whatever is maybe the single most ridiculous thing about social media I block all the time. Vibes are bad? One too many posts about kinks I really don't wanna see? It's literally just a curation tool for your account.
my lazy dinner is a takeaway or maybe a tube of Pringles and some breadsticks from the cupboard
I hear this a lot - for SSRIs the dehydration thing does seem to be fairly broadly true (because they can increase sweating) but the sun sensitivity thing seems to be pretty unusual, although it is a possible side effect
Beta blockers, SSRIs, most antidepressants make you more prone to sun sensitivity and dehydration. They can also make you more prone to burns as I understand it. Drink yer water, ya strumpets.
Some top tips on contacting your MP, based on my own experience. YMMV but: 1) Try to avoid form letters / copy-pasting standard text unless this is the only route to you being able to contact your MP. Letters / emails with individually composed text are worth more. They are weighted more highly.
OK. Real talk time UK peeps. It's been a few days. I think we can assume the post-election hangovers have ended for the new government. So NOW is the time to be writing to your MP asking them to be progressive about Trans rights. 1/x
yes happy birthday to me 😎 maybe the cloud will drift away by Friday
The world is chaos but please enjoy this road sign from the Scottish Highlands which exudes the ‘fuck-it that’s close enough’ energy I aspire to get me through the week
“Why do you have a model ship behind the bar?” “It starts conversations, it’s an icebreaker.” “No, it’s very clearly a container ship.”
Why is everyone on this vampire show secretly English!!
when someone sends out a bunch of invites to meetings about inclusive practice with an unexplained acronym and no explanation of what the meeting is about
I caught this Acmon blue butterfly at the right angle where the natural light has caused the scales to iridesce across the entire spectrum of colors, but still dominated by the indigo-blue the species is named for 📷🌈🦋
fuck it, what's your favourite pictures from NASA?
The thing I resent most deeply about modern billionaires is that the thought of humanity exploring space used to feel exciting and now it fills me with dread. It shouldn't have been the worst of us who first get to greet the stars in the sky.
Opinion | When You Think About It, The Easiest Way To End Polarization Is For All Of Us To Accept One Of The Poles (You Know The One)
feel so stupid. none of them have the mustache. no way to tell which baby is hitler.
Had occasion to show the teenager a photo of Brian Harvey's hat. It's funnier than I remember. I reckon it's where he keeps his three jacket potatoes.
This little monster has been escaping through the kitchen door every chance she gets, even hiding under the dogs to sneak out. Today she worked out how to unlatch it ALL BY HERSELF and I cannot even. Someone adopt her. She is a very intelligent chaos god, and utterly unrepentant.
A charming Egyptian figurine of a hedgehog, made of faience, dating ca 1900 BC, from Thebes, Egypt. The Egyptians associated hedgehogs with rebirth. On display at Neues Museum Berlin 📷 taken by me 🏺 AncientEgyptBluesky
just woke up, what's new my US frien- oh
I bit a radioactive spider and now it's got human powers. It's crying
Wer ist ein guter Junge!? 🐕
Facebook is awful now but every so often its dedication to showing you things you didn't ask for turns up a gem
Honestly I don't know how true this is of other places, but in the UK it cannot be overstated how much the rise of Transphobia as an issue of extreme salience to politicians has been caused purely by five or six incredibly obsessive journalists who won't stop writing about it.
I'm not even sure how much of it is her being a potential donor, from looking at past tweets from Wes, it's another example of the contagion that is rapid onset transphobia that happens when you're friends with a bunch of transphobes
this website has “the juice” but unfortunately it’s the juice they found in that sarcophagus in 2018