
Dems should get better with ratfucking. Perfect opportunity here. Start a Super PAC named something like "Great America Initiative" and run ads about how much Trump supports Project 2025, specifically naming its most unpopular provisions.
even trump’s campaign staff (i assume he didn’t write this) knows that the reactionary, authoritarian agenda that’s project 2025 is going to be unpopular with the average voter.
Super PACs have minimum disclosure requirements and *no* donor disclosure requirements. Legally nobody can make them stop specifically because they're not allowed to coordinate with campaigns. This is easy stuff and I don't get why Dems feel they're too good for it. Play to win.
In case it's not clear, the ads are meant to sound like they are supportive of Trump, and maybe even run by the Trump campaign
Seed a MAGA party and help them start running candidates.
I've had this thought with press conferences lately. Trump had Fox and fucking OANN in there to call on. How hard is it to stack the deck here? Throw whatever boneheaded ethics you have around this away and get friendlies in there.
I'd be worried about something like that going like The Producers.
Dems keep pretending that politics isn't stooping to their level, it's why they're always losing