
Am sure this will get all sorts of dunks for seeming inconsistency, but important to stress what this makes clear. “Back the Blue” backers aren’t (have never) backed police per se. They back authoritarian social control, and see police as way to do that. Police who don’t back that aren’t covered.
Twenty-four states tell Judge Cannon that they want to file an amicus brief opposing the special counsel's request to modify Trump's conditions of release to stop him from inciting threats against law enforcement.
It’s why the J6 insurrectionists were so surprised by the Capitol police who stopped their clearly lawless behavior. The expected the police to prioritize “support authoritarians” over “enforce the law,” and we’re surprised—and violently angry—when they did not.
Guys w Thin Blue Line bumper stickers bearing police officers who stood on their way during an insurrection isn’t ironic. It’s the exact ideology, just made glaringly clear.
The fact that people can and do believe inconsistent things seems to get a hell of a lot of resistance despite the level of evidence in favour of it.
Which is, of course, an inconsistent belief itself.
Few images more allegorical than thin blue line flagpoles used as pikes to maim defenders of the legislature.
Support for "law and order" has nearly always worked this way.
"Backing authoritarian social control" is exactly what it is!
All the ceremony and piousness is reverence theater, imposed on us not themselves.
Good fucking god can a ringpiece get any more tongue polishing than this tangerine Hemorrhoid?
It’s also been made clear that when it comes time, the “blue” will be on the authoritarian side.
And that’s why they deeply hate the J6 police officers (Dunn, Fanone, etc) who continue to condemn Trump for inciting the riot and then doing nothing to quell it for hours after it started.
They back the boot on their face, not the foot in the boot.
In the political history of Law'n'Order, Wallace & Nixon meant, "Beat up the hippie protestors and keep the n*****s in their place."