
This is an excellent question, and the answer so far is "it depends." See this nice piece on it. To add one observation...
Hey, poli scientists. If Dems succeed in (1) self-organizing to remove successful, all-but-nominated incumbent and (2) coalescing around veep, isn’t that evidence of an effective, resilient party? It’s only been week since debate horror supplanted SOTU impressions.
This is exactly the kind of question that makes this topic so fascinating to me. The answers are really important! But also so difficult to unpack. The relevant data is often hard to see and murky even when you can see it, and causation is *at best* complex.
I dunno. I guess it could still blow up. But this all looks like some mighty impressive collective action under immense pressure and time constraints.
I’ve been thinking a lot about “the party decides” theory in this scenario, and was hoping some smart folks would help out.