
“This is not a normal war. The war in Ukraine has killed 500 kids in two years and the war in Gaza has killed over 10,000 in less than five months. We have seen wars before but this is something that is a dark stain on our shared humanity.”
‘Not a normal war’: doctors say children have been targeted by Israeli snipers in IDF says it ‘completely rejects’ charge that its soldiers deliberately fired on any of the thousands of civilians killed in Israeli offensive
>The war in Ukraine has killed 500 kids in two years No. Just, no. The war in Ukraine has had very little attempt to count the civilian dead systematically, since they're in Russian-controlled territory. The estimates are that Mariupol alone is even with Gaza.
Estimates are varied, but over 10k civilians dead from direct combat actions, much less disease and famine. Entire large cities gone. The idea that only 500 of 10k dead were children is just idiotic. Complete nonsense. Including this claim without skepticism, much less leading with it, is gross.
No shit it's over 10k dead, the estimate in Mariupol alone is 25k (which is the worst of the occupied cities due to how tough the battle was - Russia hasn't killed 6% of the civilian population elsewhere in Ukraine, so far).
This is simply false, and I wish people would stop this. The ***confirmed*** civilian casualty count in Ukraine (15 Feb) is 10582, of them 587 children. But the vast majority of deaths occurred in places now occupied by Russia, which isn't exactly keen to let people in to do body counts.
About 25k civilians are estimated to have died just in Mariupol alone: And this was before families with young children had a chance to flee with them. By all means talk about how horrible the situation in Gaza is, but stop BSing about Ukraine to do so.
Siege of Mariupol -
Start scrolling around here: The city was encircled before people had a chance to flee. What exactly do YOU think happened to many of the children here?
"Opposing playing down death totals in Ukraine whose very source explicitly states are gross underestimates because they only count confirmed deaths andbhave no access to the Russian-occupied areas where most people died" means "despicable ghoul", for anyone who's keeping track.
Probably shouldn't have kept using them as a NATO pawn. We weren't cool with missles in Cuba but can't figute out Russia's issue? We gave them an excuse for those sweet weapons kickbacks.
Ukraine ***was neutral*** when Russia invaded them in 2014, and it took 2/3rds of a year into the invasion before they finally abandoned neutrality. The Ukrainian public overwhelmingly opposed joining NATO in 2014. It was ***being invaded*** that changed people's minds.
The *strongest* support for NATO cones not from the west, but from the east. Countries like Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, etc - are the most intense supporters of NATO membership, ***because they have a neighbor who used to be their colonial master who wants to re-annex them***.
It would be like of Britain started re-annexing its former colonies bit by bit, and the former colonies all rushed to join an alliance that could resist Britain: because *DUH*, that's the most obvious action on Earth. People kinda don't like being conquered, overthrown, & ethnically cleansed.
So even western media tells me Putin is fighting actual nazis with their black suns and their cockroach videos. My international woman of mystery tells me America's the worst of the three superpowers, that's pretty established elsewhere. I'm gonna hold off cheering for weapon manufacturing.
Worth noting Israeli snipers have been targeting children, doctors, and also random people since long before the genocide began. It’s a game to them. A sport. They like to shoot a doctor and then shoot anyone who comes to help. Inhumanity from the IDF is not new by any means.
It seems clear that the IDF does not in any way consider non-Israelis to be human beings... hell, many in Israel think that diaspora Jews are traitors for just living outside Israel. The US needs to seriously reevaluate its relationship with the country.
What exactly makes a "normal war" then? "It's mostly adult men dying, so we're fine"?
What a crap idea to compare two terrible and destructive situations. Tens of thousands of Ukrainian children were kidnapped and taken to Russia in who knows what condition. Gaza is a tragedy. Both are terrible.
I'm disgusted with Tsahal, waiting for them to turn their arms against their commandment & bibi