
After telling someone to throw out yet another useless book of advice for neurodivergent people clearly written by someone who isn’t neurodivergent I have one tip re developing a habit w ADHD: make it really easy to implement. Kids dropping wrappers on floor? Put out more trash cans in those areas
"Put the thing where your brain wants you to do the thing" is such a fucking basic rule, why is it so hard
Adam Savage's book "Every Tool a Hammer" explicitly gives you permission to get a second x-acto knife and a second pair of pliers and leave a set at each spot you need them rather than wander around looking for where you last left The Tool and omg it is LIBERATING.
exactly why we have 15 pairs of scissors and nail clippers in the house
I need to get about 10 more pairs of nail clippers for this exact reason
Pairs of standard and Philips head screwdrivers are stored around the house and shop for important GODDAMMIT reasons.
My kitchen scissors (since I live alone) have been living on the kitchen table for the past two months. They get used and I get a lot less annoyed with random tasks that require scissors. They only moved about 2 m from the cupboard.
That why I have desk scissors, dining room scissors, kitchen scissors, and lab scissors. Any individual pair has a much smaller space to get lost in.
I put a magnet on my fridge and stuck scissors to it, and then to a whole bunch of other stuff too. I used it do that in the lab, having scissors on each film processor. It's also satisfying to smack the scissors onto each surface when done.
I installed a steel-frame murphy bed in my sewing room, and put a bunch of strong magnets on it, and i don't lose fabric scissors anymore!
Magnet on the washing machine for hair clips. Magnetic knife rail above the handbasin for nail clippers, hair clips, tweezers etc. Magnets are life.
My dad put a cardboard box on the hall of my place, way before I got my diagnosis, so I could just drop all papers in it. Lo and behold, no important paperwork has ever been lost since.
I've got a lidded bank box with "Someplace Safe" written prominently on the lid.
♥️ - I love that someone else gets this.
Someone on social media (I no longer remember who or which one) suggested it and it's worked well for me!
We would do this except we have a piss terrorist cat, heh.
The box eventually went to a window ledge, because cat.
It wouldn't stop her! She's pissed on the mail on the counter before, and also once pissed in the Keurig
She's got lots of opinions, sounds like!
And those opinions are mostly "why do other cats exist" and "why is my human not in the hammock 24/7 for me to lie on"
I am in baffled awe how she manages this. Like, one of mine, pre-neuter, thought stove burners were kitty-sized potties, but that's easy to jump too!
LEAN / 5-S methodology works at home, too!
Why are you speaking heresy words in my timeline?
My wife also objected to me bringing the label maker into the kitchen or taping out the storage locations for key cooking implements but it doesn't mean I can't try to keep the right tools within arm's reach.
How could ANYONE object to a label maker?
I don't get it either. Buying a portable labeling machine was the best decision of my life. Do I mostly use it to put arrows on my remote controls so I find the light switch? Sure. But that already makes it worth it's money.
I used my labeller, among other things, to print large numbers that Nana could read for her microwave. The actual numbers were tiny things in faint orange on black print
Give them a nice mug to live in or something?
Also good! Also a good spot to store chopsticks. Add some shiny marbles, it's now a table centerpiece!