Josephine Robertson

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Josephine Robertson

I'm a priest, writer, poet, spiritual director, breathwork guide, & maker of pie. Wonder, connect, love. Https:// She/Her.
Do not obey in advance.
I have said for decades: There is absolutely NOTHING in my six or seven years of explicit training, and nothing in my thirty years of practice that has ever equipped me as a mental health professional to stop gun violence. If someone tells me they are going to hurt someone - duty to warn Period
This seems like a grim natural experiment to show that access to mental health services isn't going to neutralize access to guns when it comes to controlling violence
*hears the horror from possibly another UNIVERSE and grabs her bow to avenge Waffles* No one messes with a horse on MY watch.
JD Vance is on the ticket because he wants the government to kill trans people. Vance has been more vocal in his transphobia than just about any other leading VP candidate. That's a deliberate choice by Team Trump.
J.D. Vance's horrendous record of homophobia and Donald Trump's vice-presidential pick hasn't been a senator long — but he's been in the public eye long enough to accrue a strongly anti-LGBTQ+ record.
The divorce thing is so extreme—do you realize in the 1950s, the Ladies Guild of my former parish was meeting to discuss how to loosen divorce laws in NYS? Episcopal housewives! Not exactly your bastion of leftist politics!
I know we know about JD Vance, but he's also working to make divorces harder to obtain, and says that people in "violent" marriages should stay married and not get divorced. So.
My eyes are broken, or that spider is next level good at hiding. 😂
I have never been so mad at a package promise before.
Welp. Years ago apparently I bought "water soluble oil paints" for my retreat art kit (for participants, I like to have everything). Figured why not, no one had ever used them... Friends, they do not "clean up easily with water." RIP my watercolor brushes. *sigh*
And you know, an ink test vial or two... 😂
This is why a slow and regal leading style is helpful, it gives you time to read the directions. 😂
Long as we're using the Magnificat I'm good there. ;) Get me rolling and I could probably do most of it unless someone launched into the modern Lord's prayer and then brain dump.
My friend Q has been through so much. Drowned by constant medical bills and the simple cost of fighting to survive they were left with no choice but to take on a predatory loan at 300% interest. If there is anything you can do to assist them it would be amazing. Thank you for helping.
Heh, I think our lit professor at SSW's goal was us to be able to pray the office from memory no book required. Not sure I quite achieved that but I find messing it up baffling, the directions are RIGHT THERE ON THE PAGE.
Of course the REASON we know him so well is because houses built in the 80s absolutely suck. I'd buy a Victorian again in a heartbeat, I wouldn't buy another 1980s special. 🙄
The advantage of having lived here so long now is our plumber and I are on a first name basis and the dogs are like "you again, treats?" 10 minute fix, kitchen back in order, we have the best plumber.
The advantage of having lived here so long now is our plumber and I are on a first name basis and the dogs are like "you again, treats?" 10 minute fix, kitchen back in order, we have the best plumber.
Is it new? May have a bit of babybottom. My first go to us check with a loop, if not possible try a really wet ink. Tines may also be too tight which restricts flow. You can get a nib tuning kit from Goulet Pens with shims for the last.
Railroading is usually associated with flex pens where the feed isn't keeping up with ink. Is that what you mean or do you mean occasional skipping or hard starting?
"Three years after their initial bouts with COVID-19, patients who’d once been hospitalized with the virus remained at “significantly elevated” risk of death or worsening health from long COVID complications, according to a paper published May 30 in Nature Medicine."
COVID can cause new health problems even 3 years after infection, study finds: 'We don’t know what’s going to happen at 10 years' A new report reinforces that the virus is not going away.
Timeline cleanse: look at my new socks!
COVID testing should still be free.
Rotring, are a little engineer chic for me 🤣 I didn't know Kaweco made pencils I should look those up. Retro 51 also does lovely ones, FYI but they're metal and tend to be heavier than I like.
*pokes the kit toward the pen maker hopefully* hehe, if you ever decide to play with those, I'd get in line!
Totally RANDOM question I know but do you know if making a mechanical pencil would be possible? I use fountain pens and mechanical pencils and I'm stuck with this cheap ugly mechanical and while using my sparkly bebe today I went "why doesn't I have a matching mechanical pencil...."
Whatever the outcome - the process ahead demands that we return to caring for each other, and holding each other up and reconstructing healthy community: I firmly believe that our current individual support structures are insufficient for negotiating an era of complex and compounding crises:
The Group Group — What A Shrink
This is how you do it.
Thankfully we have a plumber in the neighborhood who has saved us multiple times over the years so he doesn't stress me. Finding someone to do the step is gonna be a hassle.
The front step broke and this morning our kitchen sink is spraying water underneath. 🤦‍♀️😵