
On this July 4, please pause to remember that one of the colonists’ complaints in the Declaration was that the Crown was paying its judges.
So history does repeat itself.
Don't forget "He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us"
I've recently learned that, unfortunately, that line was a reference to Britain threatening to arm a rebellion of enslaved people in the US. Each side was trying, disingenuously, to claim moral superiority in the practice of slavery. So, not quite the democratic slam dunk it now reads as! 😅
And 2A was apparently created because of a fear of resistance from slaves
Rich white people have always been the freaking weakest, scaredy-cat ass, whining liars in the world!!
The battle of Lexington and Concord happened because the Brits were trying to confiscate the militia weapons. There may have been more than one rationale.
That’s not actually so. The tale that the 2nd Amendment was created to arm slave patrols ignores the fact that the establishment of the militia in America predates the existence of enslaved Africans here by decades, and of any Africans by 13 years. And the right to arms predates that by centuries.
The whole list is worthy of review, frankly. I wonder how long it has been since each of our current sc justices has actually read it.
I was thinking about this a few weeks ago. I reread the text and SCOTUS has directly or indirectly made at least 5 of the specific accusations against the king legal.
The "he has sent soldiers to police us and when they murder people they get a mock trial" one reached through history and slapped me in the face.
Rhode Island was founded in protest of marriage restrictions. Of course those hippie pilgrims signed an agreement to do best for the common good of the community or communists for short. They know the capitalist at Jamestown ate eat other.
That was because of plague and starvation! Wait, not the defense of my home state that I was hoping for.
Virginia is for Lovers of Other Virginians
Seriously? They never taught that in U.S. History….at least not that I recall
Make America Great (Britain) Again
Honestly…more representation, NHS, different racism but still very predominant…well, not that last one, but yeah.
Hah, I was thinking of the recent scotus opinion on presidential immunity
So how are judges supposed to pay their bills? By that logic neither should Doctors or Nurses be paid by anyone but the patient. No Welfare.
“He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers. “He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.” It’s why our judicial appointments are for life.