Work in Progress

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Work in Progress

Gimme one good reason to trust the Gorton's fisherman.

Location: 10,000ft from the old Erie Line.
Migraine has hit. Headache pain is only in momentary waves (thankfully). But the hot/cold, soreness, dizziness, weak muscles, and sight and smell aversion are steadily building. Send chocolate brownies!
Well, I slept fine. But I woke up at 5:30am. which is still yesterday as far as I'm concerned.
I've lived with people who slept with a bedroom AC on. But this is my first time choosing to myself! Don't want a repeat of last night's sweaty tossing and turning.
Every time you make fun of trump for his fatness, you tell every fat person that their body is bad, and tell any kids in the vicinity that they better not be fat or their bodies will be bad too
Thinking about this skeet, and the first reply... it hits me that it's just better all around to focus on the actual problem and not lean on comparisons that impugn a person's humanity, period. I mean, no demon or monster of any stripe has done a lick of evil in this world, that I know of.
Make a band meatier: Meat Loaves
Make a band meatier: Limp Brisket
We gotta get people naming their kids Brooke and Laurel again, so we know who the mean girls are right off.
Today Sam asked for the window up here. So the window he gets. (Yes...I really need to decide on window shades and dump the landlord-supplied busted up temporary ones!)
gf just showed me the thing where you can easily move the text cursor by swiping r-l on the phone keyboard space bar and I am so gd mad rn WHAT ELSE HAVE YOU PEOPLE BEEN KEEPING FROM ME
i slept late on a weekend!!
It's been 48 years, and I still don't think I'm quite prepared for the rubberband man.
Fuck...migraine prodrome. I'm starting to recognize the signals. Eyes won't focus, nose smells EVERYTHING, exhausted but body still feels restless, uncomfortable.
That awesome 8 minutes of energy between mid-meal and the post-meal coma.
I made a little birdwatching spot for Sam.
Pride flags are down off the yard side of the garage. What to put there next...?
It's been 48 years, and I still don't think I'm quite prepared for the rubberband man.
Going to bed at 10pm on a Friday is a good thing. Right? Tell me this isn't just the olds catching up to me.
We're reached that time of day again. (Unlike a lot of folks I know, I have to work tomorrow.) Thinking of sticking with my recent trend of Xena in place of Star Trek.
I put the “Shit Don’t Fit” safety flags up in my shop. Grab one if you want before I make a reel for them and sell out: #bsnm 🧶 #diy
Hello, and now goodbye, surprise nap! These are starting to get disturbing. I mean, why am I so tired?
I wish I were super into some sort of digital or online game. Today would be a fantastic day to gather some snacks, pull down the shades, point a fan at my ugly giant bag of mostly water, and wander some mystical lands for runes or magic swords or something.
I'm terrible at suburbia. I have no idea what the rules are. Shit I find egregious is commonplace, but I'm sure they all think I'm a loon for taking out the trash in my boxer shorts.
I'm about to be the asshole neighbor disturbing the peace and quiet with a lawnmower on a national holiday.
Happy disability pride month! 💛🤍💙 Never heard of disability pride month? It's over 30 years old! July was named #disability #pride #month in 1990 & continues to remind us to celebrate our differences & uplift the voices of those who have too often been dismissed.
Happy Disability Pride Month 💜. I am proud of all the persons with disabilities who are living, surviving, navigating their life in a system that is not inclusive and accessible. #DisabilityPrideMonth #WeAreBillionStrong #SDGs #Disability #HumanRights #AXSChat
Ok, the fucking fireworks can stop now.
AAAH! There is the babiest of bunnies in my yard! You can't tell cause I can't run down and put a can of soda next to him. But look at the tiny ears!!
Is this the real thing? Is this just fantasy? Well one thing's for certain, it's not AI. What do you see here? I hope you see a medieval griffin bc that's what this is inspired by, you know. This limited edition cotton run is coming soon! Stay tuned!! 🧶
To summarize my last thread: we are culturally telling on ourselves when "lunatic imbecile" is a more potent insult than "rapist tyrant".
As we head deeper into the political season, I want to remind folks that using the terms like moron, idiot, imbecile, insane, lunatic, etc is just as offensive as using "cripple" as an insult.