
I think it’s telling that if you search “Trump AND rape” on the New York Times website you don’t get a single article mentioning the E. Jean Carroll case but if you search “Biden AND old” you get 18,026 hits.
latest trump child rape accusation is uh pretty fucking bad and also not surprising
That number, by the way, is not made up. If spent as much effort talking about how Trump was held by a judge to be a rapist as they did about Biden being old, maybe we wouldn’t be having these conversations about Biden stepping down right now.
If you hadn't shown the number, I would have thought it was hyperbole., how about running something else for once?
I do however get almost 2300 hits for Trump AND "sexual assault". Since under the law, rape is only penetration with the penis, & he was only found liable for raping her with his hands, the Times has carefully avoided calling it rape. A degree of care they have never granted a Democrat.
Even so, they deemed it 9x more newsworthy to talk about Biden’s age than a president found to have committed sexual assault. It is such a clear example of the fact that Sulzberger wants Trump to win.
Sulzberger is a literal Nazi pedophile enabler and anti-LGBTQ and racist bigot.
Do you think they will have one article talking about the Epstein files that came out today? Or will they sanitize it and make it look bad for Biden?
I think we unfortunately know the answer to that one
I'm stealing the NYTimes Pitchbot's schtick here but: "Trump is a Child Sex Predator and here's how it's bad for Biden."
I think that’s because if you search for “Trump rape“ you get a huge number of unrelated stories – in particular, articles about rape exceptions for abortion laws. So you don’t see the EJC stories up top. If you search for “Trump rape Carroll” you get lots of hits.
But that’s just it. You get a bunch of stories that aren’t related to the fact that Trump was judged to have raped someone and even adding the unrelated stories it pales in comparison to the number of stories about Biden’s age.
The term used in the stories was "sexual assault".
LOL who still reads NYT? Or WaPo? Just journalists.