
Seth Masket
Seth Masket
"A very accessible, very interesting, non-bombastic political scientist." -Jonah Goldberg
Subscribe to my newsletter "Tusk" about the Republican presidential contest:
ex-Lethality Jane
ex-Lethality Jane
"some kind of maniac"
Someone misread a post and accused me of being a historian once
Bill Stewart
Bill Stewart
billstewart415 over on the ex-thing.
Techie, bad musician, SF fan (either Science Fiction or San Francisco.)
Katie Mack
Katie Mack
Cosmologist, pilot, author, connoisseur of cosmic catastrophes. @TEDFellow, CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar. She/her. Dr.
Kathryn Tewson
Kathryn Tewson
Good in a crisis and at no other time

First initial last name at gmail dot com
Andrew Parker
Andrew Parker
Formerly of the birdsite as Apark2453, but staking my claim to the full name!

Lawyer, overanalyzer of godawful subcultures, always up to dunk on some chuds.

If you’re into all of that too… I’m sorry, but welcome friend!
Orthodox Jewish father of 5; Litigation Disaster Tour Guide; Jets Fan. Fighting the widening gyre.
Ken White, criminal defense attorney and First Amendment litigator. Co-host of Serious Trouble podcast and writer at The Popehat Report.
Very Very Common Mike Dunford
Very Very Common Mike Dunford
Father, Army Husband, lawyer. Chronic student recently dragged kicking and screaming into the practice of law. Litigation disaster tour guide. Proud member of the terminally online community since 1993. he/him
Mike Masnick
Mike Masnick
Techdirt guy. Sometimes I write about protocols. Sometimes about social media, copyright, free speech, content moderation, civil liberties and stuff like that. Once wrote a paper that may have helped inspire this service:
End of list.