
i SERIOUSLY need to know the reasoning for banning masks. what asisine bullshit did they pull out of their ass to justify doing such a thing.
Mask bans are evil and dystopian and I am appalled that they’re even being proposed. Wearing masks to protect your health and the health of others needs to be recognized as a right for all and an absolutely essential protection for those who would otherwise be unable to participate in society
Cops don’t like them; makes it harder to use surveillance footage and facial recognition to arrest people (especially at protests).
Am I correct in feeling like discussions of mask bans only became mainstream after the student-led Gaza protests?
there was some griping about masks during the 2020 blm protests too but there was a lot going on that year so
eric adams had definitely been trying to get them going in reaction to the false panic about shoplifting target and other retailers seeded in the media tho i'm honestly not enough of a normie to know how mainstream that got but there was some testing of defenses and messaging on this