
i SERIOUSLY need to know the reasoning for banning masks. what asisine bullshit did they pull out of their ass to justify doing such a thing.
Mask bans are evil and dystopian and I am appalled that they’re even being proposed. Wearing masks to protect your health and the health of others needs to be recognized as a right for all and an absolutely essential protection for those who would otherwise be unable to participate in society
Cops don’t like them; makes it harder to use surveillance footage and facial recognition to arrest people (especially at protests).
ah, just increasing the powers of the police state. Amazing aint it.
There’s also a very crass, petty, owning-the-libs side to it. “You tried to force us to wear them? Well fuck you! We’ll force you not to! How do YOU like it?”. One can never overstate how much of Republican politics is driven purely by a desire to punish and hurt their perceived enemies.
“Land of the Free” my ass. I was already thinking about wearing them because of allergies and now I want to even more
It’s not just a Republican thing, see: Kathy Hochul, Eric Adams, Karen Bass
Don't worry, these expansions of state power will never be deployed by fascist elements against the current liberal structures as they displace them. This only further cements the status quo and could never possibly be utilized to make things worse.
With the rise in people protesting the genocide in Gaza and genocides globally, as well as the protests against all the evil legislation Nazis are doing it is getting harder and harder for police to arrest protesters cause masks. normally police arrest protesters at their homes cause they ID'd them.
Am I correct in feeling like discussions of mask bans only became mainstream after the student-led Gaza protests?
there was some griping about masks during the 2020 blm protests too but there was a lot going on that year so
eric adams had definitely been trying to get them going in reaction to the false panic about shoplifting target and other retailers seeded in the media tho i'm honestly not enough of a normie to know how mainstream that got but there was some testing of defenses and messaging on this
it’s worth noting that california already has a law on the books that makes wearing a mask *while committing a crime* its own criminal offense. so the demonstration-specific ban really is about further marginalizing disabled people, and suppressing legal forms of protest.
And cops can just choose not to enforce it when their white supremacist buddies show up. Really sucks.
I keep using that as pushback when people say it's time to take masks off. "So you want to submit to facial recognition cameras?" And then all the right-wingers say "Sounds like you're a criminal lolol"
I will keep saying it until it becomes a social norm: If we want to live in anything remotely resembling a free society, our top priority is to see that even criminals have rights. Otherwise, all the government needs to strip you of your rights is to find any excuse they can to label you a criminal.
Cops don’t like them….unless they’re the ones wearing them to shield their identities while they do bad things to innocent people.
It cracks me up that the Venn diagram of people who support mask bans & people who complain about the 1/6 crowd being arrested due to surveillance is more overlap than not. They have a ready made weapon to use in the next insurrection but just they can't bring themselves to use it because MaSkS bAd.
This is, imo, the funniest part of 1/6. It was the one time they all could’ve worn masks!! And they all got caught bc they refused bc woke or something
A lot of them would have still been identified and caught by the internet though, people were going hard into identifying J6ers who were wearing their silly punisher skull neck gaiters by any details they could come up with from photos and video footage
Black Bloc exists for a reason, baby
Right? A lot of them were caught because they refused to wear a mask while criming
yes, we should all be reasonable and accept the risk to our health so we can be more easily surveilled. of course the people who want it are like "what do you mean 'we'?"
the prison industrial complex approves of any way to criminalize more people in order to get free labor.
... I suspect some of it is straight up just resenting that some of us took Covid seriously and disagreed with their worldview, and you could see it on our faces
Being able to punish people for protesting is a method of preserving order.
This was the unintentionally hilarious part of J6. Dudes got rolled up left and right because they were rabidly anti masking chuds.
Also, most got called in by angry exes. Turns out MAGAts are generally shit people that other people enjoy turning into cops. Who woulda guessed lol?
Not even angry exes. A bunch got dimed out by worried immediate family members.
I like how these sons of Ludd left geotagging enabled on their phones when they breached the Capitol and took selfies.
Facial recognition tool for the Capitol US Capitol Attack Video Map
Left geotagging on, hell. Half of them were livestreaming their criming. "Mash that Like button and subscribe, and remember me, Honest Dave, when it's time to buy your next used car in Stumpjump, Arkansas! We're goin' in!"
they sure love wearing them tho
Are the masks being worn to prevent identification popular with commuters?
But they are fine ignoring and even enabling some violent protestors - see the off campus attackers of the UCLA protest, and the police doing nothing both during and after.
If I were a brilliant chemist or material scientist, I'd invent magical hypoallergenic makeup, transparent even, that confounds facial recognition, like this ^but undetectable^ (Magically, it keeps up with facial recognition technology improvements)
Computer vision dazzle -
“Oh no no no, those aren’t masks they’re gaiters.”
They should kiss a TB patient and see what happens.
they're probably gonna say for surveillance purposes, like recording and evidence of crime, but like. if someone was gonna commit a crime, what would a mask ban do to even stop that???
EXACTLY LIKE?! Well other than the fact they can just slap on more charges, but yeah like...criminals are just going to crime!
the mask ban isn't even a new thing, but before it was full-face masks like mascot heads and other such things. the excuse then was it was a counter to the KKK, but that hasn't been the case for decades and instead was literally to allow racial profiling.
They don't have reasoning. They just want to. That's all.