
Nate Silver is indistinguishable from a Nate Silver parody account.
man’s brain is absolutely cooked
Old and busted: "I don't care either way" New hotness: "I'm in the 20th percentile of caring about this"
What are these percentiles, is that like 11-dimensional string theory or advanced topographical math
It’s hilarious that he divides the nonsense he pulls from his ass into quintiles.
I'm hoping he's on some sort of fadeaway trajectory because he doesn't actually do anything anymore and I didn't give a shit about him when he did (apart from ripping his ludicrous poll inclusions)
the numbers don't lie, except there aren't any.
But nobody's specifying which example of which food prepared by which hand, either.
He fell quickly from respectable political odds assessor/prognosticator to quasi-statistical word-salad generator.
*it always has been.gif*
“Our gourmet-cast favors 20% Bayesian burgers and Nate reveals his favorite French percentages to eat as hors de oeuvres. All this and more in five-thirty-ate!” The man is gone
It's ridiculous to state, with no explanation, definitions, or criteria, that the the food in either country is obviously, objectively better. Food snobs are the worst. I mean I give a shit about food but unfortunately I'm not able to visit the finest restaurants in any country on a frequent basis.
Both countries eat a fair amount of bread, and have at least some regions that treat bread as a staple. My experience of buying bread in the US is that it’s easy to get something with a long shelf life, and takes effort to get something delicious. In France, the default bread tastes excellent.
There’s a lot more US than there is France, including acreage, biodiversity, cultural diversity, money, etc. So the very best of each is on par with the other, and there’s apples-to-oranges comparison problems too. But Americans enjoy a lot of food that the French would hesitate to feed their pigs.
Oooo I can do it too (and have a correct take). Both America and France have the same average level of food but America has a larger stddev because it has a a lot of really good food but a lot of bad food. France is tighter because it just has a lot of good food.
He’s clearly still suffering from Long Contrarian.
That’s what happens when internet famous people vanish up their own asses.
He will relish the relevance of being compared to a parody account It's pretty much all he has left
Mother to her children at the dinner table: “You need to eat your percentile. Percentiles are the most nutritious parts of the food pyramid.”
Guy who was right once thinks he's always right.
If you substitute “pantheon” for the percentiles it could also be tweet from, or also a parody of, Bill Simmons.
*looks up from Walmart store brand Hot Pocket* "Whatever he's smoking? We should be making Republicans smoke it."