
STARTING SOON: Judge Merchan will consider whether to find Trump in criminal contempt of court for violating his gag order and, if so, what the penalty will be.
Under NY law, the court is authorized to impose a fine of up to $1,000 or a jail sentence of up to 30 days or both. The DA's office is asking for a fine of $10,000—$1,000 for each of 10 posts that violated the order—plus an admonition that future violations may result in incarceration.
ADA Joshua Steinglass asked for a sidebar, so all the lawyers are talking with the judge while Trump sits alone at the defense table. (via all the hardworking reporters in the room! Tyler McBrien and Anna Bower of Lawfare, Molly Crane-Newman of NYDN, etc. I'm just synthesizing tweets here.)
ADA Christopher Conroy: The court found the "types of extrajudicial statements" Trump made pose a "very real threat" to the integrity of the proceedings. Yesterday, "here in this building, right outside those doors ... the defendant violated the order again on camera." (via Adam Klasfeld)
Conroy says prosecutors will be filing another application for an order to show cause "on this violation later today." The prosecutor says Trump seems to think: "No one is off-limits to this defendant, and he can attack and intimidate any one he wants." (via Adam Klasfeld)
Conroy says Trump did this all "willfully and flagrantly," and "the Court should now hold him in contempt for each of the ten posts." Trump keeps closing his eyes periodically as Conroy speaks. (via Tyler McBrien)
Twitter is glitching in a super fun way, so reporters are having trouble live-tweeting the court hearing. Come to Bluesky, everyone!
Conroy calls this post particularly "disturbing," noting that Trump *added* to the quote. Watters didn't say "to get on the Trump jury." That was Trump's embellishment. "That was last Wednesday evening that that was going on," Conroy says. (via Adam Klasfeld)
All of the posts here are made in relation to this criminal proceeding, says Conroy. "We know that from the's just very clear that they relate to this case." "Throwing MAGA into a post doesn't make it political. It may make it more ominous," he says. (via Tyler McBrien)
Conroy confronts Trump's defense that he's just responding to attacks by Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels. The Appellate Division informed him otherwise, the prosecutor notes. "He knows he's forbidden. That's what the order says." (via Adam Klasfeld)
Conroy: Trump is violating the "crystal-clear, unequivocal lines" of the court's gag order. He pivots to the argument that reposts aren't his statements. "That flies in the case of common sense." (NY DA: REPOSTS ARE ENDORSEMENTS)(via Adam Klasfled)
Conroy: "We are not yet seeking an incarceratory penalty." "Defendant seems to be angling for that." (via Adam Klasfeld)
NY DA needs to tread carefully
Oh man I have some explaining to do
it does seem like this is an original Jesse Waters addition to the on-air quote. Unless the date of that Truth Social Post is from before the evening of April 17th
The Truth Social post is from before the Jesse Waters tweet. It was initially posted at 5:46 PM on April 17th.
Grok done deleted everyone
the best argument for AI sentience would be Grok self-immolating
#Evergreen #Skeet
A lot of people, my self included, say con man Elon Musk isn't actually a real engineer. But he definitely said "I don't know why people think Twitter is so complicated. I could fix it in like a weekend." And then proceeded to fuck everything up. That's exactly like an engineer. I stand corrected.
It is annoying that so much real-time stuff remains there, glitches and Nazis and all
It really is. The power of inertia.
And if you don't sign up for an account, then instead of seeing the latest status updates from Amtrak or the Turnpike, you'll see their most-liked post of all time. Great, train 465 was canceled on 11/10/21. Why am I still on the platform when my train was supposed to be here half an hour ago?
most of the major newspapers carry live feeds on their front page for big stories like this. you don't have to go to Twitter, you can always use the guardian And know for certain that you are getting reliable content and not pussy in BIO
It's very frustrating. I hate going there any more but if you want real time information and reaction to something it's still the best place for it.
Catherine Giorino recently came to blue sky and is doing some real time coverage as well. Sadly, most real time stuff hasn't moved here yet.
David Pecker explains women often came forward when people announce their candidacy for office, and they often came to his publications to sell a story. "In a presidential campaign, I thought there would be a lot of women selling stories"
Twitter going down while dear leader is humiliated feels more like a feature than a bug for musky types.
I sure wish more of those that cover these events would just come here and tell Musk to .........
>Twitter is glitching No way, that doesn't sound right.
People of BlueSky! Great info from real people who experience life's issues with thoughtfulness and intelligence blended over humor 😄 💙 👓 #TrueBlue
Oh good, I thought it was just me
That’s not a glitch, that’s just TheLon pushing the throttle button
We could really use more reporters here. 🙂
Alas they'll probably just go to Threads, where the algorithm will make sure their live-tweets are never seen.
On Threads, political content from the accounts which I follow appear within seconds. Political content from accounts I do not follow is not limited, because I told the algorithm I value randos’ opinions.
I wouldn't put it beyond Moosk to break Xitter precisely and exactly when reporters are using it to verify criminal proceedings of 45 in real time.
This is as good an opportunity as any to thank you for doing this, by the way.
Gahhh! I keep looking up people from there who get reposted here, so I can follow them here. But they are not here. Yet. Thanks for doing this for those of us who refuse to go there ourselves!
Be design, I’m sure. Elmo running interference for Orange Hitler.
No, please don't - at least not before there's a Proper Native Tablet app version 😎 On damnable TW one can at least comfortably read those posts ;)