Joshua Sharp

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Joshua Sharp

Triplett-Behrakis Professor of Pharmacology, University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy. Director, Glycoscience Center of Research Excellence. CTO, GenNext Technologies. Analytical and physical biochemist.
Reposted byAvatar Joshua Sharp
“We started seeing a series of children, preteens mostly, shot in the head…The families told one of two stories: they were playing inside when they were shot by Israeli forces, or they were playing in the street when they were shot by Israeli forces”
We Volunteered at a Gaza Hospital. What We Saw Was American surgeons who witnessed the civilian carnage of the Israel-Hamas war.
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Reposted byAvatar Joshua Sharp
Reposted byAvatar Joshua Sharp
the dolly parton 9 to 5 bit is still the goat
the orville is so dang funny
I mean, she's been the VP for four years now. People have been prepared for the idea that, if Joe can't do it, it's Kamala's job. Plus, she was on the ticket that won the primary.
Reposted byAvatar Joshua Sharp
If you're going to go with Kamala, the convention has to be to reintroduce Kamala to the public. You're not going to send the first Black woman candidate into the general election as the first candidate that got no convention introduction to the public. WTH are people thinking here?
Tressie makes a great point of Alex Wagner Tonight about an open convention -- you have attention of the public for a few days -- do you use that limited attention for arcane process or to highlight party's core beliefs and opponents weaknesses? Why would you throw that attention away on process?
Reposted byAvatar Joshua Sharp
Hell yeah brother this whips
Jake is gonna be wiping that dude off his shoes for weeks.
This is really, really dumb. If Pelosi thinks that a decision made by party elites against the results of the primary will be viewed FAVORABLY by voters, but selecting one of the people voted in by the public would somehow be seen as shady, she's lost the thread.
Reposted byAvatar Joshua Sharp
"Applicants may work in any geography and time period and will be affiliated with the Program in the History of Science and Medicine." Application review begins 15 September 2024. #HistSTM
New job: Assistant Professor, History of Technology Yale University
If he's "passing the torch", doesn't that imply that Biden is selecting his replacement on the ticket?
Mission critical software is serious "if it ain't broke" territory. Even successful upgrades are super disruptive to the core business.
Yet another reason to greatly expand the House: some of these fuckers have started to think they're special.
I see a replacement chosen by party insiders, contrary to the results of the primary, to convince voters that Democrats don't give a shit about protecting democracy.
"We have to protect democracy!" Okay, then run someone off the ticket that won your primary. "No, not like that."
Reposted byAvatar Joshua Sharp
The billionaire who's been bribing Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito donated a $10 million bribe to Senate Republicans to block Supreme Court reforms and investigations. Everyone understands these are bribes. Normalize calling them bribes.
Facing Dem Scrutiny, Alito Benefactor Paul Singer Donates $10 Million to The donation, to the Mitch McConnell-aligned Senate Leadership Fund, is Singer’s largest ever.
Reposted byAvatar Joshua Sharp
NEWS: Teamsters VP-at-Large, John Palmer, who has been extremely critical of current President O’Brien’s overtures towards the GOP, has just announced he’s forming an opposition slate and running for president in the 2026 Teamsters leadership election. “We are better than this.”
The University of Mississippi expelled that guy. The RNC celebrated him.
Sorry, let me correct that: The University of Mississippi chapter of Phi Delta Theta fraternity expelled that guy. The University of Mississippi cannot comment on the outcome of any student disciplinary actions.
And to be clear, this isn't me being sly--I'm not on that committee, I don't know what happened to that student outside of news reports.
He's a major investor but doesn't own it? Did he lend them money?
I wanna take a moment to commiserate with our lawyer friends. I can't imagine what it would be like if someone suddenly said from now on elections are actually tiny Skittles, and bond strength depends on what flavor Skittle they are--and I had to start rebuilding chemistry based on that.
THAT'S why Meta had such a hard time getting the avatar legs to work right...
Ransomware installs software on your computer, breaks it and will only fix it after you pay them. Cloudstrike makes you pay them, installs software on your computer and then breaks it. 🤷‍♂️
Honestly, they were probably about that life already, before their partners knew
It's always shocking how inexpensive it is to buy our government.