

I have biked to work three times this week, which is an absolute record for me. My car is fine and waiting in the garage.
Reposted by Joy1
"Singh sets the package down outside the door, takes a photo and hops on his bike to his next stop. In the nearly 20 minutes it took me to go by car two miles across Manhattan, Singh biked the distance and made nine deliveries in the rain."
How e-bikes are helping ease package delivery clogs - An Amazon cargo bike delivery program is a pilot in New York City. In a place as dense as Manhattan, trucks aren’t efficient.
Reposted by Joy1
Nearly half of American drivers cite the sky-high expenses associated with car ownership as the reason they can't save money — and as car dependency and auto costs continue to rise, that financial strain and its attendant societal inequalities will likely get worse.
Study: How Car Ownership is Keeping Americans From Financial Stability — Streetsblog As car costs continue to surge, American drivers are taking drastic measures to stay on the road — with troubling societal implications.
Reposted by Joy1
Reposted by Joy1
"The city encourages cycling by clearing the paths every day during the winter, using a fleet of heavy-duty snow plows. One of the most impactful changes is also one of the simplest: clear the roads of snow only when the cycle paths are done."
How Oulu became the winter cycling capital of the Through a series of simple changes, the city of Oulu encourages its residents to cycle through the snowy winter. What can other cities learn from the pioneer of winter cycling?
Reposted by Joy1
It was a beautiful day for cycling, especially on my new bike.
Reposted by Joy1
Thanks to socialist mayor: "A startling statistic emerged in Paris last month: during the morning/evening rush hours, on representative main thoroughfares crisscrossing the French capital, there are now more bicycles than cars – almost half as many again, in fact"
Reposted by Joy1
Reposted by Joy1
"It shouldn’t be so hard for a world-class city to get streets that work and that people like. Covering the distance from good idea to a few finished blocks can take years of advocacy, design, tweaking, hearings, compromise, rejection, and stalling."
Making Headway on the Perfect New York Two years after our last close look, real signs of progress.
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