Jacob Parakilas

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Jacob Parakilas


RAND Europe defenc/se strategy and policy guy. Dad joker, aircraft/car/ship/armored vehicle nerd, recovering civil servant. Lewiston to London via Lagos.
Still on my post-Fallout TV series New Vegas playthrough and am again struck by how incredibly good it is and how incredibly bad it looks. Seriously is there another game with as big a delta between its overall quality and its graphics?
If you see this, post a picture you took at sunset.
Me driving through a June day with the heater, windshield wipers and sunglasses all on:
Bronze Maiden Make a band milder
[At the superhero dermatologist] Hulk RASH!
My (half-baked) theory about the rush to replace search with AI is that the execs pushing it have gotten used to having subordinates summarize key points for their busy schedules and assume axiomatically that that's everyone's situation and that's either the main or only use case.
good. clearly not ready for prime time and plausibly never will be.
What is the quintessential Onion headline? The strong contender that just randomly popped in my mind is "Hank Williams Jr. Honored by Institute For Football Preparedness"
Using an image or a GIF show a movie you have seen more than ten times.
using an image or a gif show a movie u have seen more than ten times
I had one about the Trojan Horse but it's an inside joke.
I’ve got a great joke about Tantalus but you wouldn’t get it
Fallout is a way better TV show than I expected, and the fact that Battle Hymn of the Republic crops up as a musical cue halfway through just confirms that it's Exactly My Kind of Thing.
Had a very clear image last night of a video game called Toddler Bedtime Simulator, where you have various options (tap X to rub belly, left stick to rock) while managing various status bars (back pain, exhaustion), followed by a Fallout lockpicking minigame where you have to close the door silently
I once took my daughter and one of her friends into the Australia paddock at the London Zoo, full of emus and koalas and wallabies, which they completed ignored and spent the entire time chasing pigeons and giggling madly.
Over spring break, we went to Boston and saw a recreated Revolutionary War battle and went to the science museum and then he saw a marionette show in the city and went to the Natural History museum and then his teacher asked him to summarize what he did.
5 am, sitting bolt upright in bed: we should call water balloons Molotov Mocktails
Massively Increase The Aggression Of Your Emails With This One Weird Trick: "Dear Jacob," = friendly, inoffensive, professional "Dear Jacob." = I Have Several Things To Talk To You About And You're Not Gonna Like Any Of Them.
Tag yourself I'm intelligemce
ChatGPT's values, according to ChatGPT:
I'm just a dumb things-that-blow-up studies guy but can some smart legal mind explain to me why judges aren't automatically recused from cases where the person who appointed them is a defendant?
Photography pro tip: always check the foreground when composing a landscape shot.
B-17 ball turret gunner continuing to rank at or near the top of the rankings for Worst Job I Can Imagine.
You've been kidnapped. The characters from the last TV show you watched are trying to rescue you. Who is coming to save you? Welp... I'm dead.
You've been kidnapped. The characters from the last tv show you watched are trying to rescue you. Who is coming to save you? I bet whatever happens will at least be charming and adorable:
If you see this, post a ship. HMS Habakkuk was a proposed British aircraft carrier design from the early 1940s. To be built from a mixture of sawdust and ice, at 2000' long and half a million tonnes it would have been the largest ship ever made even today, but only a small demonstrator was built.
If you see this, post a ship. The HMS Surprise, the fake sailing ship built as the HMS Rose in 1970, later sold to 20th century Fox and converted into the Surprise for the filming of MASTER AND COMMANDER: THE FAR SIDE OF THE WORLD (2003), currently docked at the maritime museum in San Diego Harbor
End of feed.