Jacob Parakilas

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Jacob Parakilas


RAND Europe defenc/se strategy and policy guy. Dad joker, aircraft/car/ship/armored vehicle nerd, recovering civil servant. Lewiston to London via Lagos.
No she's not. She's based in the UK but she's American.
Carbine for fighting Elites or other shielded enemies, BR for everything else. (Also I appear to be in the minority but I really like the carbine's chunky pew-pew sound and THUNK-pop reloading sound/animation)
I don't think he'd take the veep role while running for Senate out of fear of alienating his own base voters though.
... Not to mention the fact that Trump would immediately mark him as a rival and try to jam up both his nomination and his election. You need someone with nothing (in GOP elected politics) left to lose.
Yeah I mean I can Johnson balking at putting Romney up for a vote out of spite but it seriously backfoots them. And this is where I'm running out of procedural knowledge but could they do a discharge petition in time for the election? Gotta figure he'd get through a straight vote.
Is there any reason why she couldn't nominate different people as running mate and rest-of-term VP? Pick the former for the election and, say, Mitt Romney (who's retiring anyway and might see it as patriotic service) to do the job until Jan?
We need someone in a position of authority to give roughly this speech
Still on my post-Fallout TV series New Vegas playthrough and am again struck by how incredibly good it is and how incredibly bad it looks. Seriously is there another game with as big a delta between its overall quality and its graphics?
The nonhuman part I agree with but Luthen and Mothma are both idealistic poshos, not working class heroes?
I like the idea that horse-mounted cavalry are 80% as effective as tanks.
Not just from then. We moved from London to Nigeria in 2019 and back in 2021 and the deterioration in basic state functionality and service availability *just in that time* was pretty noticeable.
Needless to say the direction of travel has not changed in the subsequent three years.
As an American living & driving in London I admit it's an adjustment dealing with omnipresent traffic cameras, and getting a ticket for 24 in a 20 was pretty annoying... but also it's rare here to see someone driving super aggressively, and also the cameras don't shoot people. So it's a net plus.
If you see this, post a picture you took at sunset.
Oh! A Bridge Too Far. Not a great *movie* (too long, too in the weeds, too much scenery chewing) but holy shit: Connery, Caan, Caine, Hackman, Hopkins (etc etc etc), real WWII ETO locations, tons of period-accurate WWII shit (how many films have a PIAT?!) . God-tier Dad film.
Top five film of all time for me.
A few years ago I convinced my dad (and my mom, to be fair) to rewatch Heat with me. At the end, my dad (who pretty much abhors violence, real or cinematic) said, "you know [long, thoughtful pause] I'd forgotten just how good that film is."
Me driving through a June day with the heater, windshield wipers and sunglasses all on:
I wrote a weekly column where the remit was basically: "your area of expertise: go!" for a year, which was great, but the thing was: it's actually genuinely hard to say 800 words worth of useful, novel things every seven days! (Which just makes me respect/be jealous of Krugman and Bouie more, TBF)
Bronze Maiden Make a band milder
I've only got 25 so hopefully I'm in the clear!
[At the superhero dermatologist] Hulk RASH!
[Stanley Tucci.] I think the most famous person I've had an actual conversation with is John Major. I tried to build the chat out from the fact that he's from Brixton, I live in Brixton... And it became immediately obvious that he hadn't been back for decades and had no intention of changing that.
Ah but what happens when Air Force Secretary Murdock personally violates Russian airspace in a prototype hypersonic jet in an effort to rescue a kidnapped (spins Wheel o' Cliches) school group?
You love to see it (when a plan comes together)
XM300A Mod IV aka "The Fool Pitier"
That said it would result in a catastrophic fall in marksmanship standards across DoD